Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The importance of sleep in the psychological development of children

Many parents worry about the child's sleep schedule and not talking here of sleep at day, but I mean that the rest the body, namely sleep more at night. We'll talk about this article and physiological aspects, but we insist on the psychological effects of sleep.
In the stages of child development is a time when he should have his room, his personal space more precisely, from this point of view there are difficulties because many parents take their children and their bed room and then it is very difficult to separate the little ones.
In practice I have seen many cases even families with two children, parents were sleeping with little ones , even intermediaries between mother and father.
Sure I do not mean a precarious financial situation in which there is no way a personal space for children, but
even so, we try to create a separate crib for the baby, despite sleeping in the same room with mom and dad.

Remember that the baby is a person who communicates. It is to make ourselves understood, to verbalize and to offer so much affection that they need to grow and develop optimally balanced.

Children are very easy to take care of their mother permanently, it has been normal, but if the child is 6-7 years and turns early, and at night if he sleeps with his mother crying, then we are dealing with a problem . Most often invoke fear of the dark, fear of a pati, but they actually are irrational fears. If the child and explain what happens, perhaps we can leave a night light in the nursery or door open, then the child will understand the situation and it can cause at least to try, visiting characters from his life, like cartoons, or movies / stories that will help and encourage him. Often, problems do not belong to little children but, rather, parents who do not have the strength needed to break up the child, feeling guilty about it "abandoned" if it cries.

Remember that emotional blackmail arsenal is the main prerogative of children in these times. It is very important to be firm, to explain why it is important the child to sleep alone, tell her you love, that they are together and any time you have access to each other.
Certainly not discuss here the pathological cases or the child is sick. Furthermore, mothers must remember that in addition to being my mother and couple life, and this is important in order to create a harmonious and balanced development.

The fact that parents sleep in bed with children, there remains no trace. They are seen in child behavior is more timid, anxious, and assumes no responsibility, as they say in people, "obstetrician".
Therefore must be given an opportunity to grow, the reliance on time, get-everything, like a baby mother.
A special situation where we meet is the second child and he sleeps with his mother and eldest child sleeping alone. In this case requires a discussion with your son or daughter, so they understand what is happening. Coopted him great care in activities of the small, determined him to feel useful, appreciated, desired and loved by you.

Traditionally, many families with children sleeping in the same room or in bed, because of fear, the desire to protect their children or because it is more comfortable for the mind and soul. This however does not make us better or more responsible parents. The children must know that we are with them at any time, whether or not sleep in another room. It just makes them more responsible to create a personal space where you feel alive.

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