Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Supposedly the birthplace of raspberry would be somewhere in the far eastern Asia, where he was brought, with no more than 4-5000 years ago in Europe. Currently, there are no more than 10 known species of raspberries, which in turn dozens of varieties each, but the best known is Rubus idaeus, raspberry called Euro-Asian European or raspberries, which seems to derive most other species. European raspberry grows spontaneously and in our country, and archaeological evidence show that was consumed and potentially used for therapeutic purposes, since now three million
citizens. Growing Raspberries appeared very late, only in the last two or three centuries, it being the people they reach, growing everywhere, the groves, the edges of forest, cleared areas or even along the fence and wall of the house. Russia and Serbia, together produce nearly half of the world's raspberries, followed by the United States and other European and Asian countries.

Raspberry varieties with therapeutic value

For some time, in supermarkets appeared raspberries packed in plastic containers. It looks, incredibly fresh preserves (raspberry while the spontaneous flora you within 24 hours), but its flavor is just a pale reflection of raspberry we know from childhood. This "glorious raspberry", selected varieties, very productive, has been nourished with fertilizers and harvested a little faster, so to ripen in the box.
In markets, roadsides and even crossing the mountains, we find, however, another kind of berries: raspberries berries! Its berries are small, dark red (which shows the presence of pigments with intense therapeutic action), are very fragrant and ... must be studied before eating them to remove a possible "guest" uninvited (proof of their health). Well, little fruit can boast such a therapeutic value. First of all, we can be sure it is "clean", without any chemical fertilizer, pesticide or stimulating fructification. Then it is up to the therapeutic qualities, as ripened naturally was not stored for a long time and was not stimulated growth to the detriment of the content of nutrients. To find out further how to prepare and administer the therapeutic raspberry.

Method of administration

Raspberry fruits and berries are a real collection of minerals: manganese, magnesium, calcium, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, all easily assimilable form, plus vitamins A, B1, B2, D and P, especially vitamin C, present in large quantities. Only in this list, and we can see that raspberry is a real
source of health, every fruit of or as an extremely successful natural alternative supplements of vitamins and minerals found in pharmacies. It must be said, however, that these substances can be treated solely healing fresh raspberries, a bit smaller extent, from the frozen, yet not in the cooked. Therefore, to achieve the expected therapeutic effects, we focus only fruit for consumption as such, preparations of which are ineffective.

Raspberries in household consumption

Minimum dose to get the benefits from use of these fruit is 150 grams per day. In fact, this is the recommended minimum daily ration of nutrition, whether it's raspberry, strawberry, cherry, cherry or strawberry. Already, in this dose, fruits begin to disease prevention effects. To heal, however, certain conditions, it is necessary to increase than to establish a dose and time management. In other words, we need a cure.

Cure with raspberries

Drink before each meal, 150-300 grams of fruit on an empty stomach for 12 days in a row. Then do not eat anything, at least an hour. Beneficial association with sugar cancels the effect of raspberry, diabetes and ulcers.

Raspberry syrup

Raspberry fruits are washed thoroughly, crush with a fork, put in a fine mesh gauze and squeeze, obtaining a clear juice. Over this juice add honey (3 cups of honey to a glass of juice) and mix well, then allow to homogenize time of 7 days. It is used as such, administered by spoon or diluted with water as drink.

Raspberry tea

The collected peaks raspberry bushes - some fruit leaflet - being made of them small bouquets, which are placed in well ventilated places. After drying, chopped and used to obtain an aromatic tea with exceptional healing properties: 1 to 2 teaspoons crushed herb is put in a cup of boiling water and boil for 1 minute over low heat, then leave 15 minutes to cool and filter. Drink 2-4 cups a day.

Raspberry, preventive treatments

* Lung Diseases, sensitivity to cold, hoarseness - raspberry syrup is consumed, 4-6 tablespoons daily. This syrup, and raspberry tea sweetened with honey, is a saving remedy for people who require a lot of vocal cords (teachers, singers, lecturers, etc..). Susceptibility to bronchitis in children with recurrent tonsillitis, a course in the mountains, the berries are consumed daily, has amazing benefits.
* Macular Degeneration - high content of anthocyanins (color specific substances that give raspberries) and vitamins (especially vitamin C and B vitamins), raspberry fruit, they recommend as an excellent way to prevent macular degeneration. An American study published in "Archives of Ophthalmology" show that people who eat berries and other fruit red or black (which shows the presence of certain pigments), of at least 5 times a week have a risk for macular degeneration with 36% less than those who rarely or never consume these fruits.
* Cancerous disease - certain substances contained in raspberry (phenols) have a potent anti-oxidant, preventing occurrence of mutations and Malignancy cells in the body. Studies done in China and the U.S. shows that those who frequently consume fruits such as raspberries, red and black cherries, blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, black currants have a much lower risk of cancer than people who do not eat the fruit . Moreover, people who consumed this food-drug and end up having, however, some form of cancer, have a much better chance of survival.
* Premature Aging - a very complex study, conducted in the U.S. by a team led by Dr. J. Beekwilder showed that raspberry is extremely rich in antioxidant substances, as - apparently - the most powerful fruit in this sense. Antioxidants in raspberry protects the so-called free radicals that cause accelerated aging of tissues, DNA degeneration and appearance of various diseases as old age. To benefit from the antioxidant effect of raspberries, should be consumed daily 150 grams of this fruit, in the course of at least 7 days. In extended courses of raspberries and other fruits can be eaten in summer, with similar effects such as red currants, blueberries or blackberries.

Internal treatments

* Colon cancer - a study of experimental medicine made in China under the leadership of Dr. C. Huang show that taking raspberry reduce the risk of developing colon cancer. The "blame" for this effect are phenolic substances in raspberry were talking about earlier, Malignancy preventing normal cells and inhibit the growth of existing tumors. And dietary fiber, which is very rich raspberry, which systematically cleans the digestive tract, is an active factor in prevention of colon and rectum. Administration raspberry, 150-300 grams each day, slowing the disease, helps normalize bowel and maintain physical and mental tone of the cancer patient.
* Prostate Cancer - this is an incredibly simple recipe and the results also incredibly good: every morning and evening on an empty stomach, eat each 150 grams of raspberries. Treatment is for a period of 4 weeks. Many of those who followed him have noted, simply a reduction in tumor size of the prostate. For now, though there were reports of growing in this regard, a clinical trial has not yet been realized. The researchers hypothesised that the effect of raspberry extraordinary in prostate cancer was due to hormonal regulator effect of this fruit, felt especially in the gonads. It is noticed that by taking raspberry considerable improvements have been reported with prostate adenoma.
* Constipation - raspberry fruit that is rich in dietary fiber, indigestible substance that acts as a piston, pushing the waste materials from the gut. Also, organic acids and sugars in the fruit complex helps normalize intestinal flora. Therefore, treatment with raspberry is one of the simplest and most effective ways to relieve constipation. They consume 30 minutes before breakfast and dinner, one serving consistency (at least 100 grams) raspberry, possibly mixed with some liquid honey and a few tablespoons of yogurt bifidus. Treatment lasts at least 10 days and can be resumed after a break of four days, if it feels.
* Heartburn, peptic ulcer - is made with raspberry diet for 12 days, the fruit is eaten plain, without sugar or honey. In the fall and spring, will drink raspberry tea regularly - at least 2 cups a day - its leaves and antacids with great healing effects.
* Digestive candidiasis - a Finnish study, conducted by Dr. JP Rauhala, looks like the fruit scents of raspberry bush is a real enemy to Candida albicans. Anthocyanins contained by the fruit inhibits the growth of this fungus and help eliminate it from the body. We recommend a course of 12 days, during which daily consume a mixture of 100 grams of fresh raspberry, 400 grams of bifidus yogurt and honey to taste. All these components are mixed using a mixer (blender), and the solution is consumed on an empty stomach results in several rounds, before main meals. It is delicious in taste and treatment that restores balance to the whole digestive microbiology. This diet is a good adjuvant and genital candidiasis.
* Diabetes - raspberry is part of a special category of fruit which, although containing a high percentage of sugars, their administration of 150-200 grams daily doses does not lead to significant increases in glucose. Furthermore, raspberry stabilizes blood sugar stimulates the pancreas (both endocrine secretion, and the exocrine), stimulates diuresis and normalize cholesterol levels. Treatment of raspberries is very effective, especially for preventing cardiovascular complications of diabetes, if they give up eating meat and eat mostly vegetables and fruits.
* Allergy - raspberry is a good source of quercitina, a substance that reduces allergic reactions, with antihistamine and immunomodulatory effects. In addition, raspberries contain large amounts of vitamin C, 300-400 grams of the fruit, administered in a single meal, bringing a massive of this vitamin, which reduces the intensity of allergy.
* Irregular menstrual cycle, painful times with heavy bleeding - tea leaves and raspberry fruit do wonders in this class of diseases. Personally, I have seen cases in which severe menstrual disturbances that have not responded to any form of treatment, were stabilized in a few weeks, with 3-4 cups of raspberry, consumed daily. Women who suffer from constipation will not consume tea, fruits and leaves but dry powder, obtained by electric coffee grinder - 4 teaspoons each day. Treatment is available and all heavy bleeding as an adjunct.
* Obesity, weight gain - diet with berries, made as long a period of time, amazingly powerful effects weight regulation. The secret is that, in larger quantities (200 g) raspberries curb appetite, even reducing gastric secretions and "anesthesia" Hunger, including sweet desire. Also an abundant trace element content of the berries - manganese - increases metabolic rate, helping us to "burn" more calories to increase when we move.
* Low immunity - raspberry and its close relative, murul are two exceptional stimulators of immunity. It consumes 150-300 grams each day from one of these fruits, in the course of 12 days minimum. Both contain large amounts of vitamin C (300 grams provides more than necessary for a full day), and anthocyanin pigments, substances that stimulate production of immune cells and activates them existing ones.
* Pregnancy - a cup of raspberry tea, drink daily is an excellent remedy during pregnancy, is considered by some experts as the best tea in pregnancy. This remedy prevents nausea, prevents bleeding, reduce pain and help, it seems, even to the pregnancy. Fresh, in turn, will be consumed in moderation, no more than 100 grams per day as of old were used in large quantities to facilitate delivery, with uterine tonic.
* Adjuvant cystitis, pyelonephritis, prostatitis - raspberry catalyze healing cure these diseases, with an adjuvant role for both allopathic treatment by antibiotics, as well as natural treatment by phytotherapy. Raspberry stimulates diuresis, increases the body's natural ability to defend against bacterial infections. Also, this fruit contains substances with anti-inflammatory and calming effect, reducing the burning sensation and discomfort in the reno-urinary apparatus.
* Adjuvant rheumatism - are you a course of raspberries, with a duration of 12 days, during which consume a daily minimum of 300 grams. Phenols and salicylic acid (aspirin-like substance) in raspberry fruits reduce joint inflammation, relieve pain and help regain joint mobility. Then, raspberry is extremely rich in vitamin C, considered among the most powerful agents for the prevention of rheumatic disease. A study of a large number of people (over 20,000 subjects) show that a supplementation of vitamin C from food attracts more than 40% reduction in the frequency of rheumatic flares.
* Avitaminosis C - a dose of only 300 grams of raspberries provides approximately 110% of the vitamin C of an adult. People who are deficient in this vitamin will consume 400 grams of raspberries, minimum, for two weeks. This "overdose" of vitamin C is extremely favorable conditions such as allergies, asthma, virosis respiratory diseases accompanied by fever and inflammation in general.

Raspberries and beauty

From the outset, it must be said that raspberries, taken internally, is probably the fruit with the most powerful reintineritoare properties.
A comparative study shows that it has antioxidant effects 1.5 times more intense than strawberries, 3 times more intense than kiwi and 10 times more intense than tomatoes. This is because berries contain over 20 substances with antioxidant properties that prevent tissue aging, help maintain youth and vigor biological organism. As such, internal treatment with raspberries is a real elixir of youth, as we will see completed two external applications for skin:
* To combat wrinkles - 6 tablespoons fresh raspberry combined, using electric mixer, with 3 tablespoons of yogurt, forming a paste that is applied as a mask on the cheeks, chin, forehead and cheekbones. The mask is held for 15 minutes, then washed with a cotton ball soaked in warm water or chamomile tea. Treatment is done every 1-3 days. Elasticizare effects of the skin, restoring its firmness and radiance. It is good that after treatment to be applied externally with raspberries and a moisturizer to prevent dry skin.
* Oily skin, seborrheic - Take raspberry fruit as you enter a regular cup (200 ml), washed thoroughly and then mash them until they turn into a paste. Add one tablespoon of liquid honey and then mix well to blend. This paste is applied evenly on the skin of the cheeks, taking 15-20 minutes, then remove with warm water. It is a degreasing treatment and invigorating effects on the skin, which helps close pores and prevents inflammation. Before taking this treatment, we will ensure that we have allergy to these fruits, applying them on a very small portion of skin and waiting, then, at least 20 minutes to see if there are no swelling or itching, case we give the application.

Precautions and contraindications

* Pregnant women will not consume more than 100 grams of raspberries per day.
* People with colitis and irritable bowel syndrome fermentation eat raspberries with caution, in small doses at first to prevent any intestinal upset.

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