Friday, October 19, 2012


Native land of this delicious vegetable stands in sandy and uncultivated regions of Central Europe and around the Mediterranean. The French began to eat from the eighteenth century.


Two centuries ago, asparagus was cultivated as a medicinal plant. Was used to combat certain diseases of the stomach to clean the liver, lungs and intestines of their wastes and toxins.

Besides depurative effects will be considered and its protective action on the arteries, in fact, taken regularly, asparagus helps prevent arteriosclerosis and streamline blood.

Asparagus contains phosphorus and vitamin B, which gives it remineralizing and stimulating properties, in cases of physical and mental fatigue, anemia and convalescence, is the recommended course of asparagus (should be eaten raw mandatory), as in cases of eretism cardiovascular after, of course, was excluded by diagnosis all traces of heart disease.

Decrease the consumption of asparagus and increases diuresis oxidase, therefore, diabetics and those looking for a remedy to increase the flow of urine and eat it regularly.
Asparagus stems are able to remove foreign bodies in the gut. Be used pulp stem of asparagus, cleaned the outside, too.

Prof. L. Ombredanne tells a child swallowed a six-month bar. After four days, the child, who was given to swallow 18 asparagus stalks, removed the foreign body completely wrapped in cellulose.
However, asparagus is not recommended for those with urinary disease (cystitis, prostatitis, gonorrhea) and no cases of rheumatic fever. These patients must therefore consume it with caution or exclude it from their menu. This inconvenience is due to content or rich in purines.

Cure asparagus juice is beneficial, but is ineffective if the desired removal of foreign bodies, it exerts a beneficial effect on arteries, the absence of vegetable fibers.

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