Sunday, October 21, 2012

Potatoes - medicine, but also tasty food


This vegetable, apparently trivial, if steam is boiled or stewed, detoxify the body perfectly, due to its rich in potassium. It helps eliminate uric acid, in this case, it is rheumatic and artriticilor.
Poor hypnotic and soothing, potatoes should be included in the menu nervous people, those with cramps, insomnia, cough and nervous on those who suffer from certain pains.

Potato is recommended for diabetes, as can be seen from the account rului Mr. H. Leclerc:
"The most rational way of consumption of potatoes is Lorin oven baking in ashes or in the oven, in so felîncât not lose anything, not the flavor, not its quality. In this way he can replace bread in diabetics regime after widespread method of M. Mosse: this author found in 19 cases of 20, under the influence of the diet of potatoes, which involves daily intake of 1 to 1.5 kg potatoes, a remarkable decrease of glycosuria, the polyuria, the polidipsiei, improvement of general and surgical complications in patients presenting a revltalizare tissue, fostering the healing process. "

Potatoes contain a small amount of provitamin A, vitamin K, known for his action antihemoragica and anemic, sulfur - to control excess oil and iron - which improves the quality of hemoglobin.

Consumed as I said above, that is not fat, potatoes are not fattening, it is even recommended rims for diuretic.

Professor Leon Binet showed that this vegetable contains a substance nitrogen, tuberina, which favors raising children. Especially potatoes are very rich in tuberina.
Potato juice, as the cabbage, not equal treatment of gastric acid and gastric ulcers. It soothes the digestive mucosa and scars. It is an antispasmodic, a diuretic, emollient: a wine glass of juice put two fingers, filling the rest with hot water. Drink in the morning on an empty stomach, another glass just before lunch and the third glass of ten minutes before bedtime.
This amount of juice can be mixed with soup or stew, not too hot.
Like all juices, and the potatoes are altering quickly, so it must be extracted and consumed immediately.
Millions of people suffer from arthritis, but few of them know the beneficial action of potato juice against the disease. The clinic in Switzerland, Dr. Vogel has experienced long action of potato juice on this form of degeneration, the following observations are therefore the result of field work:

"... Those who fail to stop at least Suppress sausage meat, canned, limited to fresh meat.
Avoid any product processed, refined sugar, flour, canned, in short, everything has lost its natural form.
The food is simple and natural, so we'll be in better shape. Potato juice is more useful remedy in fighting arthritis. The action is due mainly to its basic elements. You should drink a potato juice daily. In complicated cases, this amount may be increased. Potato shave, squeeze and drink juice or preferably in the morning on an empty stomach. Can be diluted with hot water added to the soup (soup). This remedy is available to anyone, potato is grown around the world. "'

Even potato leaves have a therapeutic use. 15 g of fresh leaves (untreated) Boil 5 minutes in 750 ml of water. Strain. Tea sweetened with honey obtained. Drink between meals. Drink cough-relieving effects.
Burns, frostbite, skin cracks, sores, swelling of eyelids: shave a sufficient amount of raw potato and apply on site, leaving at least two hours to act, is fixed with a bandage. Cataplasmaîn change during the day, until complete healing.

Warts: put raw potato, grated, once every morning and afternoon.

Sunburn: Cut a few thin potato slices. Apply to injured parties. Leave on a few minutes.

Ringworm (ringworm): potato starch has a calming effect: is given by mixing a raw potato. Spread the paste obtained on the face. Allow ten minutes, then rinse.

Unfortunately little-used potato flour is a good painkiller if felegmoane, burns, erysipelas, varicose ulcers, skin rashes and cracks. Apply to the area to be treated, is fixed with a bandage and leave an hour or two. The operation is repeated twice daily until complete healing.

Sweating of the feet, legs washed and powdered with flour, potatoes, shoes before socks.

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