Friday, October 19, 2012

Best Seeds for health

In any other manifestation of life there is so much energy and strength as in seeds and pits. If we take a small and delicate apple seed, which has more than 2 grams in weight, and put in the ground, we find that after some time, a rising lastaras that within 3 years, becomes tree. What to speak of Acorns, which grows a large tree, acorns or seed from which grows the beech. Nut he also has her miracle, you sit and wonder which of the four pits are root, the stem and fruit in the future?


The fruit of the tree called alun.Nu be confused with the peanutwhich is also called ground peanut orpeanutGround peanut crust is thin and lunguiata formfrom the peanut tree that has nuts and like aheartOf all pits oil, hazelnut tree fruit is the most digestiblehas the largest amount of fat andnitrogenAs nutrient and energy-giving, is recommended for vegetarians and diabetics, andadolescents, pregnant women, people who exercise and those who suffer from urinary stonesDo notconsume more than 50 grams per day, raw. Peanut oil is one of the best treatments for tapewormand against hypotension.

     Peanut oil - for tapeworm control. Take one tablespoon every morning on an empty stomach for 15 days.
     Peanut kernels - for anemia, eat three teaspoons of peanut per day.

Seeds of anise

Rich in essential oilsnitrogen compounds and vitaminsanise seeds are a real medical panacea,especially with great power on the digestive system. It is recommended in treating anorexia,pancreatic insufficiency and intestinal bloatingintestinal wormsetc.. But note that in high dosescause toxicitywhich can lead to muscle paralysishypnotic statesinsomnia, vision problems, etc..

     Pancreatic insufficiencyabdominal bloating, intestinal worms, lack of appetite: infusion of one teaspoon of seeds brewed a cup of waterDrink three times daily before meals.
     Combating intestinal worms: infusion of 2 tsp seeds in 100ml boiling waterDrink in the morning on an empty stomach.
     The flubronchitiscoldscoughdecoction of seeds 1 teaspoon per cup of waterLet boil for 5 minutesDrink 2-3 cups of tea per day.
     Warninganise not receiving gastric ulcer patients. Old seeds are toxic.

Beech seeds

Beech seeds is a kind of fruit of the beech, but in fact is a seed that makes the phage late fall. A beech aged over 20 years producing millions of seeds such that we gather them fall under his crown. The core of acorns seed is edible, very pleasant to taste, since he 15% crude protein, fat amterii 24% and 22% fiber. From seeds of acorns to obtain a very fine oil, edible (contains palmitina, olein and stearin a fraction), which can be used as olive oil or nuts. If you want to eat the seeds as such, they are very nutritious, it is best to consume them less ripe, the sunflower seeds or chestnuts.

     Pulp nutritive matter. It is nourishing, but in large amounts, can cause headaches.  Beech seeds coating possesses a slight toxicity.

Lemon seeds

It is better to throw seeds of lemon, but use them when needed, kept in a box in a dry, because they are vermifuges (expulsion of intestinal worms produce).

     Chopped and crushed bark, pulp and seeds from a lemon (if you have too few seeds, more seeds take from other lemons), put them to soak for 3 hours in 100 ml water with honey. Then steal away, sqeezing good composition, and a drink at bedtime. Against pinworms, use only the seeds, they crumble, mix them with honey and eat morning composition. Lemon seeds are febrifuge, that lower fever. Take 1 to 2 lemons, cut thin slices, then apply next slice slice with seeds and all, on both feet, feet in the small dressing plastic bags, then pull socks. We found that the fever will disappear within hours. If his case, repeat treat.
Apple seeds

In apples , the number of seeds varies from one variety to other. Many apple seeds has double red chalk and apple, and said the rabbit snout.

     Every time you eat an apple, eat and seeds, as of March 10 seeds ensure daily intake of iodine. They contain hydrocyanic acid - an acid digestion useful. It is said that famous monk Rasputin himself escaped becoming immune to poison with apple seeds.

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