Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The artichokes one of the most fascinating and delicious vegetables in the world

Can you believe it? Mentioned in France since the fifteenth century, this vegetable was especially appreciated for its aphrodisiac qualities ... although this feature has never been confirmed by scientists.


The healing properties of artichokes are recognized by modern science. Among researchers who have dealt with this vegetable, let us mention:
Furlenmeier doctor who, at first, after many researches, he discovered his remarkable influence cholesterol reduction.
Dr. Jean Valnet, which showed that artichoke is a powerful cholagogue. Causing bile secretion, artichoke has a strong action on digestion, facilitating assimilation of food.
Like cholesterol, uric acid and urea decrease after eating artichokes.
Arteriosclerosis, edema, flatulence (bloating), weight gain are cases where this vegetable consumption is recommended.
After some artichokes and qualities would hypotensive effect in this area but has not been proven. Instead, its consumption is recommended for asthenic, overworked and those whose liver is sluggish, so that the food turns out to be both a tonic for the brain cells of the gland and liver.
Insulin, one of its components oxidase lowers (the amount of glucose in urine).
Once, these vegetables play an important role not only in the kitchen, and family in the pharmacopoeia.

Arteriosclerosis: Place 30 g of artichoke leaves in 500 ml of water. Let boil 20 minutes. Strain. Drink one cup before three main meals. This decoction also enhanced diuresis.
Albuminuria: 15 g finely chop the leaves, boil ten minutes in 300 ml of water and filtered. Drink a cup in the morning on an empty stomach, unaînaintedecinasi a half an hour before bedtime.
Arthritis: 30 g of chopped roots boil three quarters of a liter of water, until liquid is reduced almost by half, then strain. Drink a glass before three main meals. Repeat daily for one month.
All preparation for arthritis, better for those with severe forms of disease: 70 g of chopped roots are placed in 400 ml of apa.se boil for 20 minutes and strain. Drink a glass morning on an empty stomach, the second glass of an hour before lunch and another at dinner.
Gallstones: 150 g finely chop the leaves. Place in a quart of very hot water and let soak for two hours. Strain carefully. Drink a cup in the morning on an empty stomach, a second cup in the afternoon and the third an hour before bedtime.
Diabetes: 30 g of chopped leaves are boiled in a pint of water for ten minutes and then strain. Drink a cup in the morning on an empty stomach and one evening just before bedtime. Evening, the preparation is IUA few drops of lemon juice.
Cirrhosis: 80 g finely chop the leaves. Let soak for two weeks, in 150 ml of alcohol of 75 °. Strain. Take 15 drops each on a piece of sugar, three times daily before meals. It is recommended that during this course to eat very little meat and instead eat more dairy products (cheese, yogurt) and more fruits and vegetables.

Hypertension: Boil for ten minutes 10 g of leaves in a quart of water. Leave it to infuse for 25 minutes. Drink one cup three times daily, half an hour before dinner.
To make it easier to keep a diet, here's a tip that you can apply to almost all preparations: preparation realize morning and keep warm in a thermos in hand.
Note: artichoke is not recommended in nursing mothers because the supply has diminished.
during a course, artichoke juice drink in the morning on an empty stomach, positive change urea and cholesterol metabolism.

External use

Oily Skin: Mix a little artichoke juice with a teaspoon of liquid honey. Apply to face with a gauze or a brush.

Leave on for 15 minutes. Rinse with water necalcaroasa. Your skin will be smooth and clean.

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