Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Most botanists believe that this exotic fruit originated in the Persian Gulf. Grown tn South Africa, Australia, Spain and California coast tn, it is used both for its flavor, and for its therapeutic virtues.


In areas where dates is a staple food, especially those inhabited by African populations, cancer and tumors are rare, because this fruit is rich in magnesium. Researches have shown the preventive function of this nutrient in cancer diseases.

Among other things, magnesium tone muscles and delay aging, avoiding accumulation of food waste, is recommended in all nervous diseases in nevritesi polyneuritis. As its beneficial action on the prostate and kidneys no longer be demonstrated.

Another nutrient that is abundant dates it contains phosphorus, which allows proper functioning of nerve cells and calcification of bones, is recommended in neurosis and other diseases of the nervous system, neuritis and restore the body.
Dates contain iron: 25 g of dates per day are sufficient to meet the body's iron.
Other ingredients: calcium, potassium and copper - the dates are a great food. It can be seen as a small fruit, but much of power, coupled with rejuvenating virtues.
In conclusion, this fruit "miraculous" to recommend the exhausted, convalescents, children, athletes, people decalcification, demineralized, the elderly.

Although not always easy to find, buy fresh dates, not sugar coated, sterilized or dried.

This extraordinary fruit is consumed, as appropriate, for dessert, or to fill a small "empty" ... At any time of day. To cure, you can eat daily 300-400 g of dates (some authors recommend up to 500 g) for three or four weeks.
Of course, this fruit is not recommended for diabetics.
Dates provide a useful drink for lung diseases. To qualify for its expectorant action, have prepared a decoction: boil 50 g of dates in a liter of water for ten minutes. Strain. You drink four times during the day.

Another recipe is based on four fruits that are recommended in lung diseases. Place 15 g of each: raisins, figs, and dates zizyphus in a liter of water. Let boil and proceed as in previous recipe.

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