Friday, October 19, 2012

Apple, an appreciated food

Botanists have discovered documents proving the presence of this fruit in Normandy, from the XIth century.


Apple consumption lowers cholesterol. When researchers at the University of Toulouse found this property, the media took this information and broadcast it worldwide.

From a group of 30 volunteer subjects, aged between 26 and 65 years, who consumed three apples daily, in a few weeks 23 of them showed a decrease of 14% of cholesterol.
in parallel experiments performed in Italy, Ireland and Finland have shown that more than half of apple consumers had a decreased cholesterol by over 10%.
Is known that a decrease of only 1% to 2% cholesterol reduces heart attack risk, it can be deduced without difficulty the great importance of this fruit in your daily diet.
Rich in pectin content, combined with other substances, yet insufficiently studied, explain cholesterol-lowering power of this nutrient.

According to some authors, these substances "unknown" as magnesium, calcium, copper, vitamin C and fructose, each of these elements, through a complex set of processes, complementing the action of pectin.
Pectins have a key role in the digestive, regulating peristalsis and absorbing wastes and toxins like a sponge. From this point of view, apple could prevent colon cancer.
Apple should go and hypertensive menu. Regular consumption of this fruit protects the digestive system, due to its rich vitamin A, activating the protective layer of mucous secretion (intestinal mucus), prevents intestine ulcers and disinfects.

Apple is recommended cure gout and rheumatism sufferers and those with urinary stones. These patients can try the following recipe: Cut two or three slices of apple peel Unrefined (washed thoroughly under running water). Boil a liter of water for 15 minutes. Strain. Drink three cups until evening. This treatment is at least three weeks and resume three times during the year.
Apple diet is recommended and people with colibacillosis, the physical and mental fatigue and to promote growth.

Even smokers may find invaluable help in March 1, A. Schöneck, in his book "Apple with a thousand uses", recommended course of three days to quit smoking. During this treatment, have to eat more apples and to reduce the other foods. According to the authors, March manages to eliminate acid nicotine smoker to set the intestine. Under the action of disinfectant, the smoker feels unpleasant effects, but they Cleansing cure tobacco.

The following recipe allows treating cystitis and obtaining a beneficial action on the liver and kidneys: clean skin three or four apples. Shell dry in the oven and then grind until a powder is obtained. Place a teaspoon of this powder in a bowl with boiling water and let infuse 15 minutes, drink three to four cups a day. This preparation is a very effective diuretic.

Adequate amount to not overload the body and benefit from the therapeutic effects is, on average, five apples a day.

Please note that all power to its therapeutic benefit, eat the whole apple, nuts, and seeds spine. If not from a biological culture, it will be carefully washed in tap water.

It happens sometimes that apple have a mold that must be wary because it could be patulin, a mycotoxin that can cause vomiting. If the mold is not covered too vast, are removed with a knife, otherwise, apple sheds.
Qualities listed so far would be incomplete if we did not mention its soothing properties. Indeed, some people who suffer from insomnia have confessed that they have found a cure sleep after three weeks with a glass of apple juice, drinking just before bedtime.

Cure apple juice will be followed especially for the proper functioning of the stomach, bowel disinfection and protection of irritation, to drain and stimulate the kidneys.

External use

Did you know that the word "pomade" stands for "apple" (pomme)? The ancients laughed the fruit and mixed it with oil or lard, to heal wounds. Today, this medication is outdated.

Loose skin, itching: March 1 cut into quarters and boil in a quart of water. Allow to cool and apply to face a preparation for 25 minutes.

Another recipe: March 1 grated mix with yogurt. On the face.

Moisturizing Mask: March 1 large teaspoon of fresh cream and a teaspoon of liquid honey. Mix ingredients and apply a thick face. Rinse after 20 minutes.

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