Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Plums that fall generously gives us a range of varieties we bring a large amount of potassium, which is essential for good functioning of the heart and nervous system. Plums are rich in vitamins A, B and C, sulfur, phosphorus, manganese, magnesium, sodium and especially potassium (300 mg potassium per 100 g fresh fruit). Since the daily potassium need an adult is 3.2 g and that this element in the metabolism of myocardial our plum cure will be more than good for your heart. These fruit normalize appetite, eases bowel, stimulates liver detoxification determine humoral and refresh the body. Have properties antifebrile, helminthic, depurative, laxative, emollient, incentives nervs, detoxifying and relaxing decongestive producing tissues and decreasing inflammation.

Contraindicated in diabetes
Consumed ripe, in the course of two to three weeks, plums come with a natural intake of vitamins and minerals help eliminate toxins, increase body resistance. Also, is an effective nerve tonic. Contraindicated in patients with diabetes because of its high in sugar, plum cure recommended in atherosclerosis, hypertension, biliary dyskinesia, rheumatism and hemorrhoids, in which case, three days a week you eat only prunes for three weeks. Plums are recommended in anemia, fatigue, gout, constipation, food poisoning, biliary colic. In these cases, about eight ripe plums consumed half an hour before meals. Same effect has a glass of freshly squeezed juice, drink before meals.

For stubborn constipation
Place a morning glass of water 10 prunes, which are then consumed after dinner and they stayed water heats up and drink sweetened with a teaspoon of honey with small sips. Also laxative purposes, in cases of chronic constipation Eat fresh and ripe plum or stewed or baked plum nectar graham bread in the morning on an empty stomach. Laxative Tea 'fresh or dried plum blossoms, infused in boiling milk, are a very effective purgative. Prepare to need one teaspoon of herb per cup of warm milk and drink. '30 leaves of plum boil a liter of water for 5 minutes, drink a cup after every meal for 5 days.

Hemorrhoids, liver congestion
Treatment for a day: 24 or 60 dried plums which were removed stones are held in cold water 12 hours and then boil in plenty of water for two to three hours, changing water every hour. Take warm plum 8-20 before each meal, they also constitute a good laxative.
Intestinal parasites
Allow to soak overnight in water 10 plums. Cook 10 minutes morning and eaten on an empty stomach warm. The poached plums water is divided into four portions, which are easy to drink during warm days. '30 green plum leaves boiled in a liter of water 15 minutes. Strain and drink this decoction three cups a day, and the first on an empty stomach.

Antifebril very effective preparation is decoction of dried leaves of plum. Boil 25g of chopped leaves no more than five minutes in a liter of water, then leave covered, at rest, 10 minutes. This decoction drink two cups a day or when there are HOT fever.
Tonic from tonic wine dried plums dried plums recommended anemicilor, rheumatics and those suffering from biliary dyskinesia. Traditional preparation is obtained as follows: 300 g prunes, 1 liter of red wine, 1 cm bar and 150 g vanilla sugar put together to soak in a bowl, stirring well. Allow three weeks at room temperature, then strain and add a glass of brandy from home. Take 30 to 50 ml three times daily before meals. On the other hand, is a plum brandy that, in small quantities, is a general stimulant and digestive tonic.

Ripe plums are used in cosmetics. Masks, being astringent, is recommended for oily skin with open pores. Beneficial to detoxify skin and cure is exclusive of prunes for up to five days per month, which can be repeated several times during the year.

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