Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The enemy of Cancer: Cauliflower

What is the recommended cauliflower in therapy 

Cauliflower is one we all know in our markets: white in color with a diameter of a palm with a smack, slightly pungent, due to sulfur based compounds, compounds that are - it seems - a real panacea in terms health. The cauliflower will be used in therapy. In contrast is the giant cauliflowers, coming from imports, often wrapped in foil, with a very low taste and odor and is kept unchanged for weeks, due to conservation treatments they were subjected. Obviously, cauliflower which grew rapidly with chemicals, which was treated and preserved will have a relevant active ingredients and as such will not be recommended therapy. He recently began appearing on new varieties of cauliflower with a somewhat strange appearance - decorative plant rather than the food. Orange cauliflower, for example, is grown mainly in Canada and most recently was brought to US. It is edible as possible and, moreover, is 24 times richer in vitamin A than white cauliflower. Cauliflower purple or violet shades is also edible and rich in anti-oxidants, as a variety brought from Asia.

Diseases prevented by cauliflower

Cancerous disease - cauliflower, with cabbage, red cabbage and broccoli, is part of the so-called  Brassica family, named for a flower with four petals, arranged in a cross. Consumed steadily and long term, these  Brassica vegetables are a phenomenon in fighting cancer. Statistical studies, laboratory studies - all look the same: people who frequently eat  Brassica vegetables have a good chance, very large, to be free from cancer. This is because the cauliflower and his sisters are a real store of vitamins, enzymes, minerals and other substances with anti-oxidant, cytotoxic or immune system stimulant. Some cancers are preventable by eating cauliflower, mention breast cancer, colon, ovarian, prostate, lung.

Bladder cancer - are diagnosed worldwide each year, on average, every 350,000 new cases of cancer in this location, which affects three times more men than women. According to medical research at the University of Texas, who studied 697 cases of bladder cancer, along with 708 cases of healthy individuals of the same age group and the same race, consumption of  Brassica vegetables, cauliflower ie, broccoli and cabbage, strongly reduces the incidence of this disease. In people who eat several times a week boiled or raw cauliflower (and other related vegetables), bladder cancer incidence is 29% lower.

Colon and rectum cancer - a giant study, done in the Netherlands, data were collected on vulnerability to bowel cancer, in relation to food habits, from a hundred thousand people over a period of time six years. According to the final report of the study, published in 2000, people who drink raw vegetables are registered with 25% fewer cases of cancer in this location. Well, with predilection vegetarians who eat  Brassica vegetables, specifically broccoli, cabbage and broccoli, the incidence of colon and rectum cancer is 49% lower, being almost twice as protected from this terrible disease.

Cardiac ischemia and myocardial infarction - broccoli contains a substance called allicin, present in onions or garlic, which prevents blood clots, prevent oxidation of cholesterol in the arteries and lowers blood pressure. Therefore, regular consumption of broccoli lowers the risk of ischemic heart disease and falls, is also the risk of stroke.

Rheumatoid Arthritis - HOT rheumatic joints and immobilizes us make painful, can be kept away by the daily consumption of cauliflower, cooked or raw, which is very rich in vitamin C. This vitamin is considered among the most powerful agents to prevent rheumatic disease. A study of a large number of people (over 20,000 subjects) show that a supplementation of vitamin C in the diet will lead to a reduction of over 40% of rheumatic frequency bursts. A serving of cooked broccoli (ie 300 grams) consumed daily cover at a rate of 130% daily vitamin C.

Internal Treatments

Cauliflower, especially the raw, contains certain enzymes with very complicated names ( glutathione transfer, glucuronosyl transferase, etc..) With a rare property: quickly detoxify the body. As such, this vegetable has a very wide field of medical applications, of which we will detail only the most important:

Increased cholesterol and triglycerides -researchers at the Medical University of Hawaii, United States, have shown that some compounds in cauliflower prevents low density cholesterol transport (dangerous form of cholesterol) and blood vessels to the tissues.
It also prevents plaque formation and sclerosis of arteries. You should eat boiled cauliflower or as a salad, 300 grams each day for three days a week.

Obesity, overweight - cauliflower is relatively low in calories, high in indigestible dietary fiber, vitamins, potassium and other minerals needed in the diet. As such, cauliflower raw or cooked, without being combined with fat or protein, is an excellent food in overweight regimes. Drink 2-3 times a week, 200-300 grams of cauliflower. It is a food that gives a lasting feeling of fullness, which has strong detoxifying effects and is indicated for mild diets, kept rigorously and long term, ie for only diets that really give results.

Breast cancer - a substance recently discovered in cauliflower (indole-3-carbinol) has extremely powerful effects against breast cancer. This rule regulates the secretion of female hormones active in the body and thus prevent chain imbalances that lead to mammary tumor formation. Another substance in broccoli, sulforaphane, slows or stops the proliferation of malignant cells in breast tumors have formed. You should eat cauliflower cooked or raw, at least five times a week. If needed, can be replaced with cabbage or broccoli that have similar therapeutic effects.

Prostate cancer - a cure for prostate cancer is unique ... cauliflower cooked and seasoned then safflower (also called turmeric - Curcuma longa). A study in South-East Asia where the disease rate is 6 times lower than in Europe or America, showed that men who frequently eat this dish (traditionally in India) are almost immune to prostate cancer. Moreover, in experimental animals who were given antioxidant active ingredients of cauliflower and the safflower was observed slowdown or halt proliferation of the tumors in the prostate.

Menopause - preliminary studies show that consumption of vegetables a week, that is, cauliflower, cabbage, red cabbage (200 g per day for at least 4 times a week), enhances the secretion of the hormone estrogen and, importantly, these hormones regulate receptor response the body. The result is installing late menopause, early alleviate its symptoms (hot flashes, sweating, nervousness, etc..), Prevent and combat menopausal conditions such as osteoporosis, uterine prolapse, ovarian and uterine.

Menopause - preliminary studies show that consumption of crucifers vegetables a week, that is, cauliflower, cabbage, red cabbage (200 g per day for at least 4 times a week), enhances the secretion of the hormone estrogen and, importantly, these hormones regulate receptor response the body. The result is installing late menopause, early alleviate its symptoms (hot flashes, sweating, nervousness, etc..), Prevent and combat menopausal conditions such as osteoporosis, uterine prolapse, ovarian and uterine.

Fragile bones - almost half the daily requirement of vitamin K, essential for maintaining bone health, we find in a serving of 300 grams of cooked or raw cauliflower. Moreover, it regulates the hormonal activity, helping to stop processes dezasimilatie blocking calcium from bones and osteoporosis.

Adjuvant Hepatitis A, B, C - a substance by broccoli, sulforaphane, strongly stimulates the body to produce enzymes that play the role of detoxifying the liver. Also, consumption of cabbage was found to prevent cell destruction processes in the liver under the action of the chemical or infectious factors. To obtain these results should eat boiled cauliflower or as a salad, for at least 3 times a week.

Constipation - so-called cauliflower contains soluble fiber, meaning indigestible substances that mix well with waste materials from the gut, pushing it out like a piston. Moreover, pickled cauliflower contains microorganisms that help balance intestinal flora and by this means combating the constipation.

Adjuvant in asthma - because it contains vitamin C, but also with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant substances, cauliflower is a good help for people with asthma. It reduces the intensity and frequency of seizures, prevents pathological changes in the bronchial tree. In difficult times, such as pollination or intense mental stress is related to cure for cauliflower, which is time consuming, even four times a week, this vegetable.

Respiratory infections - cauliflower, even cooked, is rich in vitamin C than oranges, have fewer calories and more antioxidant substances, contains magnesium, potassium, calcium. All these features an especially recommended as a remedy for strengthening immunity. Administer fresh as salad, each 300-400 grams per day in patients with respiratory infections, to support and speed up the healing process. In people taking antibiotics synthesis, is recommended and cauliflower or cabbage, to restore the digestive flora and to counteract the immune-suppressant drugs such.

Pregnancy - folic acid (vitamin B9) and vitamin C, contained an abundance of cauliflower, are essential for fetus, in its first months of training. Furthermore, this food helps to strengthen immunity and maintain healthy pregnant woman, is among the few "drugs" allowed during pregnancy. As such, 2-3 servings of broccoli per week are welcome, during pregnancy, especially during the first trimester.


All studies performed so far show that adverse effects from treatment with cauliflower are very rare and low in intensity and often pertain to digestive disorders: bloating, mild abdominal cramps, in very rare cases, diarrhea. For those with sensitive digestive systems recommends eating cauliflower spices such as cumin, anise, fennel, which are a real antidote to such problems.

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