Friday, October 19, 2012

Grapes a fountain of health

Opinions are divided on their origin, some believe it originated in Armenia, others in Western Asia. But this controversy has only minor importance for us.


Grapes are a remarkable source of health. Once resorted to grape cure to get rid of many diseases. Rediscovered today, this treatment modality, if not done with minimal precautions, may have an undesirable effect on the gut and can lead to constipation. Thus, before choosing exclusive diet is preferable to start like this: to omit breakfast and eat progressively morning, the stomach, empty up to 400 g of grapes. It is recommended that lunch and dinner to start by eating 200-300 g of grapes, so that the amount taken daily to be about 1 kg. At the same time, be gradually reduced consumption of foods rich in carbohydrates (foods and soft drinks, bread and flour).

If your health problems are minor, you can limit this simple treatment, made three or four weeks. If you have more serious, after a few days, you can opt for exclusive cure: two to three kilograms per day - on several occasions - for six days without other food, and without alcohol. Because of its great energy powers, grapes make hunger disappear completely.

When the grape cure is followed regularly, results are excellent. Those suffering from gout, rheumatism and arthritis feel a deep tissue relief because this fruit rid of unburnt food residues.

People come anemic power. Voltage regulator, the grape is useful for hypertension, but also hypotensive. Grape cure kidneys clean (especially in case of nephritis), decreases urinary acidity, decreases the amount of uric acid has a beneficial effect on liver.
in diseases of nutrition, grape cure is often recommended therapy. We can not omit the cardiovascular, over which it has a remarkable tonic action.
Diabetics are not excluded from the diet, because grapes contain sugars slow combustion, which is easily assimilated. In addition, grape sugar less fattening than other foods carbohydrates.
Rahiticii, people often blame fatigue, the demineralized, and they will have to subscribe to this healthy treatment is also indicated in all diseases of blood and circulatory system, etc. in arteriosclerosis.
during exclusive diet should not be consumed than grapes (ripe fruits and juices). Alternatively you can eat white grapes, black grapes and other varieties.
Why all these qualities? Because grapes have a powerful effect on blood depurator and alkalizing, is a factor that improves circulation, a tonic and a detoxifying the body, a great diuretic, increasing urine flow, it leads to resorption of edema.
Miraculous powers of the grape is due to its remarkable structure: numerous minerals - calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iodine, fluorine, copper, cobalt, zinc ... bioelemente enzymes, radioactive substances ... and vitamins A and C, as all the B group vitamins, sugars (glucose and levulose).
Quite extraordinary that grape gives us its medicinal properties without overloading the digestive system, is the fruit of the best digested in the stomach.

Its sugars, which are deposited in the liver and muscles as glycogen is converted into glucose in the small request body, because of this, he is the ideal food for all those who exercise performance. For this property and many others, the grape is recommended astenicilor and children.

You need to eat grapes every day if you want to overcome winter without difficulty. Strengthening our natural immunity, it protects us from colds and flu.
Grapes thoroughly cleaned intestines, so consuming it with shell and stone, it allows people suffering from constipation to take advantage of his generosity.
"Beware, however! during a course of time, is best to eat a lot of grape juice as to avoid excess tannin that can lead to another form of constipation, the astringency. Shells and stones will be removed without problems by people with dyspepsia with hyperacidity secretions, where they (peels and seeds) is likely to cause excessive secretory phenomena. "
Rich in vitamin B, this fruit is endowed with virtues painkillers, sedatives and hypnotics. Try for a few weeks to replace sleeping with a glass of grape juice, just before bedtime, this natural treatment is extremely simple, sometimes sleep Ie has given those who suffered from insomnia.
You hold so important grape juice cure for all the properties stated. This is inefficient but the bowel, constipation and so on, without cellulose and pectin contained no seeds, that "mature" intestinal walls.
Raisins are much more energy, have soothing properties and is effective as a tea pectoral (chest). They are recommended especially in hepaticilor regime, the people with lung disease, respiratory, kidney and gall.

Because spraying vineyards, it is strongly recommended that each bunch of grapes to be well washed under running tap water.
Among my correspondents, two women have made grape cure. They will share their experience in the most simple: 1. "... First, the state in which I found myself before grape cure:
- A poor condition of the skin, because of uncertainty of our new diet ...
- I suffer from slow digestion: a poor digestion of fats and meals too "sophisticated" ... Then make a splendid indigestion ... something awful!
- Try to find the weight of "ideal" ... After two months, weighing 85 kg at 1.68 m height. Before grape cure, had 80 kg, following a diet easier.
circumstances that led me to my "throw" in this "adventure" are: look, yet last year, some clarification about the grape cure. I found the book Johanna Brandt ... After reading it, convinced me. To work!
broad facts: Two days after I empty the stomach (in a not so pleasant), as a result of indigestion, I tried following some tips, to Walk two or three days. After Eve for 18 hours, I had migraine ... For at 15, I ate grapes, proceeding as directed: 100 to 150 g, seven times a day. After my first three days was enough, but two hours, when you feel enough is worth waiting until you return your appetite. I felt the need to drink, except a half glass of grape juice on an empty stomach, as directed. I did so that you eat with the family (I had to go back to the north for family reasons). We do so for ten days. After these 10 days, I went back to eating normally, eating many vegetables in small amounts ... I have not had any digestive disorder during cure.

Results: I felt good during cure. The journey of 1,000 kilometers in three days of miracle took place, which made me say: grape is consistent! Less fatigue during the day. Grievances have disappeared ... I discovered how much fun it is to have a good digestion and be in shape for everyday tasks. I have no problems with the nerves, because now the spirits are good and have a good sleep, I am going to wake up between one and three in the morning. They ended ... of course, continuing to eat light at night. In a way, I felt reborn losing more weight.
I lost 4 kg during the diet, yes, 4 kg in ten days without having any problem. Since then, I dropped one kilogram, and now 75 kg, to 1.68 m height. Coming to normal ... Digest better, eliminate toxins better food deseurlle. Are easier and therefore more active. I think I will continue to weaken gradually until you reach your weight loss "ideal".
In conclusion, treatment with grapes gave me a lot because it helped me to rediscover, to enjoy health. All my faculties have increased because digestion is indeed during repose. I feel more detached and material problems, they solve themselves ... effortlessly ...
I can prove, not only 28 years old and I assure you, only now feel that they live in 18 years! I feel young, while when I was sick and tired. "
(Mrs. D. M. Gerbepal 88)
Two. "... Loss of sleep, fatigue on waking, warts on thumb, despite all the treatments that I tried for three years.
I did a course of ten days with table grapes (up to 2.5 kg per day) of voluntarily eating all varieties of grapes (after one day of Christmas Eve, I took and took purgative enemas).

I never felt tired, I was sick during the cure and I felt no disgust for grapes. Although there remains only grapes.
Instead, I soon felt in shape. Gardening gate for my family, driving (car) ...
After a week, I found almost sleep and, especially, the awakening was perfect: not feel that deep fatigue awakening.
Warts around the nail, which made me suffer, to dry. He disappeared, without ever appear. And, however, tried homeopathy (which was good to my children who had plantar warts), acupuncture, been to all kinds of healing, herbs and even tried different sessions cauterization dermatologist.
I think to start a new diet in September.
A few friends and they are the cure. "(Mrs. DT Entramase)

Les Quatre Saisons Magazine {The Four Seasons) published an excellent study of the diet of grapes made of 300 readers. Without exhausting the problem, this survey provides valuable information on the results, especially: digestive, skin, fatigue, irritability, obesity, normalization of cholesterol, urea, glucose ...
Ask you strongly invited to browse this study (correspondence: TE VIV, 6, rue Sauinier, 750 Paris).

Asthma: Take 150 g of grapes good wash. Put in more than 500 ml of water. Boil 15 minutes. Filtered after cooling. Drink three or four glasses during the day. Preferably sweetened with honey.

Stones: 100 g and 100 g grape bear power (raisin d'ours). Place in 500 ml of water and boil for about ten minutes. Strain. Drink tea made in five doses during the day.

Cough: 200 g of raisins, 600 g sugar, 100 g grape. Boil raisins in 300 ml of water for ten minutes and strain. This decoction is on steam and add, little by little, sugar, dissolving it up to a syrup. Add the wine (100 g) and 150 g of honey. Take a tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach, one at bedtime, but during the day, if it triggers a bout of coughing.

External use

Tonic mask for normal skin: a cluster of grapes from organic (or a cluster average, but well washed under running water tap). Crush berries with a cotton swab slightly moisten facial skin. Leave on two or three minutes, then rinse. Your skin will glow!

Ophthalmia: 100 g of beef are cooked in 300 ml of water. Allow to cool. Strain. Are pumped three times daily with a cotton ball soaked in preparation. The drops should not be kept longer than 24 hours.

Dermatoses: clean 100 g of beef, put in 500 ml of water and boil 15 minutes. Strain. Wash the wound with a cotton ball soaked in preparation. Then apply a dry swab and cover with a bandage, leaving it for three hours. This operation is repeated three times per day. Lotion should be used that day.

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