Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Some botanists say that this fruit was used in prehistoric human food, with 30 centuries before Jesus Christ.


Blueberries is rich in Vitamin P, its seeds have anti bleeding and strengthen blood vessels in cases of metrorrhagia, atero-and arteriosclerosis, phlebitis, varicose ulcers, phlebitis sequelae of myocardial infarction.
Astringent and antiseptic, affinity is the favorite fruit of all those who suffer from diarrhea (especially small children), especially recommended for treating dysentery, enteritis, colitis, diarrhea rotting, enterocolitis and typhoid.

Because beneficial action on the body, never miss an an opportunity to make a cure with fresh blueberries in season. Morning on an empty stomach, eat 200 g or more of blueberries , the exclusive diet of two - three pounds for three or four days.

Blueberry cure is indicated for lowering blood urea value, and that adjuvantîn tuberculosis.
Even once consumed in greater quantity, blueberries significantly improves visual acuity, especially at night, and regeneration of retinal purple.
"During the Second World War, members of the French race that night had to go commando actions, consuming a large amount of blueberries to the last meal before the mission. Fighter pilots do the same. "*
Dr. Allen, American doctor called blueberries "vegetable insulin" because they produce lower percentage of sugar in the blood. Therefore, cranberry diet is also recommended for diabetics.
Cranberry beans should be eaten for their action to stimulate the appetite, to restore tone to the elderly people and very young.

Many unexpected blessings we could think of side effects: there is no one! Mother Nature never gives with one hand not to take the other.

Instead, it seems that nature, considering that blueberries have contributed sufficiently to human health, Ie has also endowed with bactericidal properties:
"The experiments conducted in laboratory and hospital of St. Bartholomew Bernstein proved that a decoction of sterilized Blueberry crops Eberth bacillus of Gaertner bacilli and cultures of Escherichia coli in 24 hours. For the decoction is not toxic and is an antiseptic drink with taste, he recommended to treat acute enteritis and intestinal diseases characterized by erosion of the lining t. "
Fruit juice lovers will have a double pleasure thus consuming blueberries daily as a soft drinks, soda, both savory and full of qualities, because properties are found in fruit juice.
Of dry beans to obtain a preparation used to treat diarrhea and colibacilosis: boil a liter of water 25 to 60 g dried cranberries for 45 minutes. Leave to infuse for ten minutes. Strain. Drink five cups spread throughout the day.
Abbe Kneipp Blueberry tincture considered as "the first and most indispensable of all our pharmacy tinctures." Preparation is so simple that it would be really a shame not to try if appropriate: Place 100 g of fresh fruit in liter of alcohol. Allow to soak for 15 days. strain. This is a powerful medicine against diarrhea. As for dosage, guided by Fr let us Kneipp:

"The dose is proportional to the severity of symptoms: the smallest is 12 drops orally on a piece of sugar, the average dose up to about 30 drops, and the maximum per tablespoon of prepared dissolved in six tablespoons of hot water."

Berries are not only ones that can be used to lower blood sugar percentage: Blueberry leaves because they contain a substance, neomirtilina have hypoglycemic qualities. Place 30-40 g of leaves in a saucepan with a quart of cold water. Boil five minutes. Drink three to four cups a day.

External use

Blueberry tincture: Artault of Vevey "successfully used a tincture of blueberry healing of diabetic ulcers and obtained by badijonari gangrenous limb with a mixture of glycerin and tincture." (H. Leclerc)
Angina, pharyngitis, stomatitis, aphthae, oral thrush: 100 g
dried Blueberry beans boiled in a liter of water, until liquid reduces by one third. The gargle several times a day.
the wash, this decoction is used to treat eczema. Form of compresses are used to treat hemorrhoids and enema form, against dysentery.

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