Friday, October 19, 2012

Walnut, remedies and uses in treatment

Nuts are high in calories 
Plant organs used for the nut are not ribbed leaves, male flowers (catkins), green fruits, fruit peel at harvest and dried fruit.
Biochemical content of walnut organs are very much diversified, providing multiple uses in medical therapy and nutrition.
- The young leaves contain: complex tannins, organic acids (gallic, ellagic, caffeic, coumaric), inositol, tyrosine, chlorophyll, pectin, essential oil, vitamin C, iodine organically bound minerals.
- Green peel contains: tannins and catechins, flavones, leucoantociani, naphthoquinone, organic acids. The high content of tannins (gallic acid type and draw) allows use in tanning leather. Other calculations show that 1 kg green shell contains 5-8 g vitamin C, that can extract as much as 10 kg of lemons.
- Harvested mature fruits contain autumn, fat (52-70%), protein, soluble carbohydrate (less than 5%), vitamins (A, B1, B2, C, E, PP), unsaturated fatty acids, dietary fiber and minerals Cu, Zn, Mg, K, P, Fe, Ca.
The value of very high energy (636 calories / 100 g pulp), coconut is a complete food, highly caloric and focused, especially valuable for anemic children, the elderly, convalescent, diabetic and neurotic people. It was calculated that 1 kg of nuts equals 1 kg of bread, with 0.5 kg of meat, 0.5 kg of fish, 0.5 kg of potatoes, 0.5 kg of prunes or 1 kg of pears.

Leaves, green shells and nuts can be used in treatments
Thanks very diverse biochemical content, there are many therapeutic properties.
Green leaves and fruit peels are recoverable in medical treatment following features:
- Hypoglycemic, depurative;
- Stomachic, diarrhea, intestinal antiseptic, antibacterial, antifungal, gastrointestinal disinfectant, astringent, vermifuge, antiscorbutic, tonic-bitter;
- Slightly hypotensive, anti-allergic, hemostatic;
- Antileucoreice, inflammatory, antisudorifice, disinfectants kidney;
- Healing, anti-fungal, moisturizing, soothing.
The core of mature fruit has properties:
- Nutrients (calorie), energy, antianaemic, invigorating physically and mentally;
- Laxative, vermifuge, emollient, soothing.
Herbal preparations have real vindictive qualities in an impressive number of unhealthy conditions.
- The young leaves can be used in the following diseases:

Use in internal diseases
- Reducing sugar diabetes, hepatitis, jaundice, acute enteritis, stimulate digestion and liver function, gastrointestinal bleeding, candidiasis, blood cleansing, kidney and genital infections, renal edema, uterine bleeding, night sweats elimination in patients with TB, anorexia food. Prepare simple infusion of one teaspoon crushed dried leaves in 200 ml boiling water, to infuse for 5-10 minutes and drink 2-3 teas per day.
- Diarrhea, dysentery, excessive sweating, constipation, leucorrhea - (white discharge), rickets (vitamin D deficiency), scrofula (swollen lymph nodes, neck, groin or axillary), poisoning with mercury compounds, helminthiasis, internal hemorrhoids, urinary incontinence , metroanexită, inflammation of blood vessels, blood cleansing. Prepare decoction of dried leaves and chopped 4 tablespoons in 250 ml boiling water, taking 3-4 tablespoons per day.
 Use in external ones
- Compresses with concentrated decoction (3 tablespoons in 250 ml boiling water 10 minutes) for treatments zemuinde eczema, dermatitis, furunculosis, varicose ulcers, anthrax, itching, juvenile acne, warts, dandruff, eye disorders.
- General and wash bath (decoction of 200 g of leaves from 3-5 liters of water, possibly with 2 kg sea salt, boiling 15 minutes, strain and add the water bath) for purulent eruptions, skin ulcers, wounds difficult to heal , eczema and shells per children, scabies, lice, leucorrhea, freezing, sweating hands and feet (possibly mixed with powder of pedicle), osteoporosis, sciatica, swelling of joints, nail purulent, seborrhea and massive hair loss.
- Sitz bath with concentrated decoction against external hemorrhoids.
- Gargle and rinse mouth with decoction of the leaves (15 g in 200 ml boiling water) for stomatitis, tonsillitis, gingivitis, oral thrush, throat and larynx diseases.
- Cream of walnut leaves for healing wounds, sunburn and complexions fat (15 g chopped and macerated leaves 7 days in 100 ml of sunflower oil at room temperature, boil the water bath for 3 hours, strain through gauze , is added 15 g of beeswax with which smoothes on with a new boiling water bath for 30 minutes).
- Fresh leaves rubbed walnut with face and hands to avoid stings of bees and other insects or apply on painful areas caused by gout.

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