Friday, October 19, 2012

Treatment with honey

The problem that I grind the young and old alike can be removed in two weeks with the next fix. Make a paste consisting of three teaspoons of honey and one teaspoon of cinnamon. Apply the paste on the face Inan bed and wash with clean water the next morning.
or mix half a cup of warm water with 1/4 teaspoon salt. Using a cleansing swab, apply directly to the affected area. Maintain pressure with cleansing pad for a few minutes to soften the irritated area. With another disk cleansing apply honey on the irritated area for 10 minutes, then remove it with a dry towel.

Alopecia (hair loss)
For those suffering from alopecia or hair loss severe treatment is recommended: Apply on the scalp and hair a paste of warm olive oil, a teaspoon of honey and one teaspoon of cinnamon, mix remains approximately 15 minutes and then wash and rinse hair with warm water.

Arthritis is one of many diseases can be treated with honey. So, take one tablespoon of honey that amestaca two tablespoons of hot water plus a little cinnamon. The result is a kind of brown paste which will greatly reduce the pain in minutes. Patients suffering from arthritis can drink a cup of hot water, honey and cinnamon twice a day, preferably morning and evening. It is said that this treatment followed regularly even chronic arthritis cure.

Become too high cholesterol can be treated with honey. This mix two teaspoons of honey and three teaspoons of cinnamon in a cup of tea. It says that this mixture with approximately 10% reduction in blood cholesterol levels in a short time. As with arthritis, the daily consumption of honey reduces cholesterol. Also consumption of honey for breakfast helps prevent heart attack.

In India and Japan is said that honey mixed with cinnamon helps prevent stomach pain, ulcers and bloating. If you take honey mixed with cinnamon front on the table, it can be easily digested and most difficult foods. Another treatment for stomach ache is to mix a teaspoon of honey with one teaspoon of lemon juice in a glass of warm water. The mixture is drunk on an empty stomach.

Headache and Migraine
Two tablespoons of honey taken with food and prevent migraine headaches. If migraine is already installed, then mix a teaspoon of honey in a glass half full with warm water. The process can be repeated after 20 minutes if pain persists.

To treat this condition is consumed twice a day a mixture of one teaspoon of honey, cumin and ginger juice. Researchers have found that this mixture lowers blood pressure.

Honey helps transform fructose into glucose, so honey is easily digested. Honey fuctionare improves how the intestines and kidneys and is extremely effective in combating slow intestinal transit and constipation. This can consume a mixture consisting of honey and apple vinegar.

Strengthen immunity
Due to constant use of honey strengthens the white blood cells and therefore increases the resistance to various diseases and pathogens. Honey has a high iron content and therefore is highly effective in treating anemia. Also facilitates blood circulation and prevents hair loss.

A warm cup of milk plus one tablespoon of honey, is an excellent remedy for insomnia. It should be noted that this treatment is applied in the evening, Inan bed.

It is an ancient problem that was treated with honey. It was mainly used to treat infertility in men. Impotence can be treated by eating two tablespoons of honey before bed. A bit of cinnamon added a teaspoon of honey to form a paste that is applied if a woman all day on the gums, it will help to conceive a healthy baby.

It indicated that after the age of 50 years to eat a teaspoon of honey to prevent osteoporosis.

Chronic fatigue
Fatigue can be treated with honey. Half a teaspoon of honey and a little cinnamon mixed in a glass of water and consumed in the morning and the afternoon will increase your vitality within a week.

Boiled rice mixed with a little honey is beneficial to treat partial facial paralysis.

Weight loss
To lose weight you need to drink the doau times a day, every night and every morning with half an hour before breakfast, a cup of hot water when you mix honey and cinnamon. It is said that this treatment has helped even the heavier patients in that the drink does not allow fat to accumulate in the body.

A teaspoon of honey mixed with a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon help treat chronic cough and sinus cleansing. At the same purpose can be a mixture of whiskey, honey and lemon juice.

Smelly breath
Fresh breath can be obtained by performing a gargle every morning with honey and cinnamon.

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