Friday, October 19, 2012

Garlic - a real medicine

Originally from Central Asia, garlic was already known by the Egyptians (year 4500 before Christ), which is included in the rations of slaves who worked on the pyramids. In France, garlic culture expanded from allVlea century.


Garlic is endowed with impressive medicinal properties that amaze scientists, biologists and physicians worldwide.
The active principle that it contains allicin, an antibacterial make it amazing, who does not resist staphylococci, streptococci and Salmonella enteredis (according to research conducted by doctors and Baylay Cavallito).

Allicin, among others, the ability to thin the blood vessel walls, the large volume of arteries and arterioles, thus facilitating blood circulation.
One or two cloves of garlic a day can protect us from many evils and especially the "poisons" such as cholesterol and triglycerides (in quantities above the normal range), to mention only teacher in this board (India) and experience performed on 20 subjects: in a few weeks, the dose of garlic above-mentioned, cholesterol and triglycerides decreased.

Disinfectant airway, garlic has a role in treating lung diseases.

For individuals suffering from whooping cough, this is a known recipe recommended by Dr. Raymond Dextreit: place 50 g of garlic and thyme 15 g in one liter of water boil over low heat until water drops to half. Children under 1 year are given one teaspoon of 3 in 3 hours and children over 1 year - a spoon, 3 to 3:00.

Another recipe for the treatment of pertussis: water "garlic", by Dr. Vasiliev method. To obtain it, let it soak in boiling water all night, garlic, in amounts that vary according to patient age.
- From 1 to 6 years: 25 g garlic 8 teaspoons of preparation is administered per day.
- From 6 to 13 years: 40 g garlic 8 teaspoons of preparation is administered per day.
- Over 13 years: 70 g garlic, 8 tablespoons of preparation is administered per day.
Garlic cleans the digestive system, combats intestinal fermentations, kills intestinal worms. In smokers, garlic eases expectoration, streamlining due to excess secretion of tobacco and would seem to reduce the negative effects of nicotine.
Ate the bread, it helps lower the sugar in the body.
And still not all! This herb is recommended incomparable and rheumatics, anemicilor, people with heart eritism and digestive atony, those who feel the need to increase diuresis.
Those who suffer from hypertension include regular garlic meniullor: hypotensive action is closely related to vasodilatation and diuretic effects.
against pain caused by sciatica, ancient milk used garlic recipe that they considered effective: peel a clove of garlic, crush and mix with raw milk. It is compulsory to drink milk every day castronas garlic. Treatment is at least 3-4 weeks.

Those who dislike raw garlic, you can boil the milk, but its effects will be diminished.

Eat regularly this wonderful spice to keep or regain your health, is a treasure of beneficence can be used in salads, olives, nuts, crushed the bread with olive oil.
among people who eat garlic every day, cancer is virtually unknown.

People who have trouble digesting garlic should not exclude from the outset the food exceptional, but to proceed slowly and cautiously, since, for example, half a clove of garlic every day for a week, then a clove of garlic a day, next week, and so on. Sometimes, even ended up sensitive stomachs tolerate.

Nursing mothers should suppress it from their diet because it causes alter milk and infant colic. Is contraindicated also people suffering from congestive pulmonary syndrome.
Garlic, herb with amazing qualities, was used in a large number of recipes for treating diseases. Those we present here have defeated time.

Pulmonary tuberculosis, chronic bronchitis, cough: alcoholic solution of garlic lowers sputum and improves mood, and leave to soak garlic 100 g in 100 g of alcohol 90 °, for two weeks. Shake the bottle each day. Strain the liquid carefully. Take 20 to 30 drops, twice a day, dissolved in some water. Because the time required maceration, this drug can be prepared in advance, for example, the winter approaches.

Blood circulation: 400 g of crushed garlic is cleaned and placed in a vessel containing a pint of cider brandy. Let soak for 15 days in a sunny spot (for example, behind a window) and shake every day. Filter. Take about 20 drops, twice a day, dissolved in some water.

Diabetes: clean four cloves of garlic, put in a liter of alcohol. Let soak for 15 days. Shake the bottle each day. Strain. Take every morning on an empty stomach one teaspoon of this preparation. Treatment is for four weeks or more, if necessary.

... Formerly, fatigue was healthy ... Today, modern life, professional obligations, "temptations" food, overweight and family problems generates a different kind of fatigue, totally different from the "classic", and so we are exposed to stress, the anxiety, and depression lurking nervously at all step. Before getting into this situation, here's a simple recipe to prevent them: put 4 cloves finely chopped garlic in 100 g of alcohol of 90 °. Let soak for 30 days in a sunny spot. Shake the bottle daily. Strain. The first day, put a drop of this mixture in half a glass of water and drink. The next day, put two drops of the preparation in a half glass of water. The third day he drank three drops added in half a glass of water. Adding one drop every day, you arrive on the 20th day to take 20 drops of the preparation in a half glass of water. From the 21st day, take with one drop less (also added half a glass of water), 19, 18, 17 ... until you reach a single drop. At the end of this natural treatment, you will feel relaxed and calm.

Blood purification: a simple recipe is proposed by Raymond us Dextreit: crush two cloves of garlic, cover with olive oil, mix it with some parsley and leave until the next day. Morning, at breakfast, brush the bread slices with the preparation and consumption.

Vermifuge: put three cloves of minced garlic in a pot of boiling water (or hot milk). Let it soak all night. Drink in the morning on an empty stomach. It does this diet for three weeks. Maw and pinworms do not survive this treatment.

External use

Garlic is recommended equally and in this form.

Rheumatic pain: Mix 50 g of crushed garlic with 500ml of cider vinegar. Let soak for 15 days. Shake the bottle each day. Strain carefully. Pour contents into smaller bottles, sealed. Morning and evening, massage the painful areas with a compress soaked in the vinegar. Vinegar, garlic is good at cleaning and disinfecting wounds.

Asthma: finely chop four cloves of garlic and mix with 250 ml olive oil. Apply back and feet, massage gently and carefully for several minutes. This drug, called "mustard devil" was once used to relieve pain and muscle cramps and pain caused by sprains.
The long massages the spine, "mustard devil" was used as a stimulant in cases of fatigue or nervous depression. The massage is chest and back with this preparation, treat runny noses and colds.

Jugs (the eye), deny: Take a clove of garlic cut in half and rub the place several times a day to be treated. This treatment is not recommended, obviously, if the pitcher is already cooked or pus.

Corns: Smash half a clove of garlic. Apply this paste on the surface weft only, without touching the skin healthy. Is fixed with a patch and leave all night. This continues until the complete disappearance of the weft.

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