Friday, October 19, 2012

Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin is of many kinds and varieties, better known in our country is red-yellow skinned squash, and pumpkins so-called Turkish white skin. And seeds differ in appearance, Pumpkin Turkey is slightly larger, but generally have the same properties. Pumpkin seeds, melon seeds and cucumber seeds are the seeds classified as cold as the swallowed give you a feeling of coolness. Ancient doctors recommend them for their aphrodisiac virtues, and not recommended for nothing. To achieve the desired effect, only be consumed raw. As energy seed is not recommended to consume more than 100 grams of the pumpkin and 10 grams of each other, in salad or beetroot salad. Lower cholesterol, prevent cataracts, osteoporosis keep away, prevent prostate cancer and fight intestinal worms. Last but not least, fighting the symptoms caused by iron deficiency and anemia - fatigue, hair loss and brittle nails. Of pumpkin seeds and oil is perhaps best of all oils. Put in a salad, it purifies the body and is recommended for nervous hyperexcitability. If you take two teaspoons in the evening, diluted with lemon juice, has the same healing properties as salad oil. On the other hand, the pumpkin seeds are tasty and filling the post wire according to any known recipe cabbage. We recommend not crumble them, giving them meat mincer (contact with the metal to oxidize), but to ground them in classic wooden mortar and not fry them, wrap them in so cruel as cabbage.

To treat prostatitis :

a) hulled seeds consumed as 0.150 to 200 g daily, twice daily - morning and evening;

b) a decoction shell tablespoon crushed seeds per cup (200ml) cold water. Boil 5 minutes on medium heat. Leave the pot covered for 15 minutes to cool until lukewarm. Drink 2-3 cups daily content for long. After a course of three days, we see positive effects.

     To eliminate intestinal worms (tapeworm, roundworm):

a) seeds, peeled and crushed in the mouth, well chewed, is consumed in quantities of 150-250 grams for adults, 100 schoolchildren grams, 50 grams for young children. Drink morning, a single dose. After 1-2 hours adiminstreaza a purgative (castor oil, tea laxative);

b) paste, made ​​from 60 grams shelled seeds, crushed and 20 grams sugar, mix until a smooth paste. Eat the whole amount. At an interval of 6 hours adiminstreaza a purgative. Cure lasts 5 zile.In Failing repeat;

c) anthelmintic oil, made ​​from hulled seeds 50 grams, 30 grams of castor oil and 1 teaspoon of honey. It tritureaza good seeds into the mix until a smooth paste. It manages one pinch or teaspoon of 10 in 10 minutes.

     To remove pinworms, tapeworms:

a) hulled seeds decoction of 50g per cup (200ml) of water. Boil 30 minutes, during which the water drops to half. Allow to cool. The whole amount given after an overnight fast;

b) emulsion of 5 g peeled and crushed seeds in a glass of boiled and cooled water, 50 g of syrup, lemon or orange peel. Mix with a spoon until omogenizare.Intreaga amount is administered in the morning on an empty stomach twice daily at intervals of 5 minutes. After about 3 hours to administer 2 tablespoons castor oil, is repeated once a week to expel parasites.

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