Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Pumpkin, food medicine

In winter posts used in ceremonial dishes especially during the commemoration of the dead. Taken daily helps eliminate toxins and soothing properties u is refreshing. It can be cooked easily in different
dishes, from soups and stews until the pies and other sweets.

Pumpkin is a vegetable with many faces: good meals, candy ingredient and, not least, medicine. But pumpkin varieties made ​​him a simple vegetable to become and object design in gardens and houses. And do not forget that the Halloween celebration, the U.S., and St. Andrew, pumpkin is carved in the shape of the face, lit with candles to ward off evil spirits. But why pumpkins were chosen for these rituals?
In ancient Egypt was considered the earthly incarnation of the goddess Kolokassia, but cult pumpkin is known around the world, from Japan and Europe until. In symbolism it represents African woman's uterus
And in Chinese cult symbolizes abundance and fertility, of regeneration and immortality.

What's in the middle of pumpkins?

The interior can be used in therapeutic and in the kitchen after they were separated from seeds and peel. Substances contained in the core are lecithin, tyrosine, peporezine, phosphorus and vitamins B and A. Because two of these substances pumpkin nutritional effects. Then cathartic rush is calming and refreshing.
It also softens the skin and diminishes inflammation of mucous membranes, is similar to lanolin, glycerin and chamomile. Pumpkin however also helps to activate secretion and urinary elimination of uric acid.

How to choose pumpkins for food

Today on the market have entered new varieties of pumpkins, shape and taste different from traditional ones. But the best and tasty traditional pumpkins are the right size, slightly flattened, with green skin, orange or alba.De also must be spotless skin and non cracked. Pumpkins can keep for weeks if several are kept cold.

Easy Cooking Pumpkin

Before being prepared for food and clean cut pumpkins have seeds. Can be baked in the oven, making it taste sweeter and pregnant.Inainte to be introduced into a furnace heated can be anointed with olive oil, salt and pepper. Can be filled with cheese or rice pasta with mushrooms. Cut the pumpkin and cut into two or lid. Clean the seeds and bake in oven. Then, when ready, fill with cheese or rice paste prepared in advance.
In vegetable soups, stews great pumpkin flavor. Boil for a few minutes chunks of pumpkin in broth, then mashed and mixed back into the soup.
And pumpkin pie is a nice and easy ingredient. It is a mixture of cinnamon and ground cloves for pies. As a garnish, served with baked pumpkin fry onion. Finally, everything is sprinkled with olive oil and seasoned with rosemary powder.

Therapeutic uses of pumpkins

Because pumpkins have recommendations contained chemicals in some diseases
such as asthenia, insomnia, heart disease or diabetes. Help activate the urinary secretion, eating pumpkin is recommended for urinary tract infections, kidney failure, and in dyspepsia, hemorrhoids and enteritis.

Because the vitamin C and E are antioxidants protect against cancer ideal and cardiovascular disease. Also
Their taste is sweet and pleasing to babies and small children, well digested the yellow core.

For constipation and colitis boil pumpkin rot. Thus, 500 g boiled mashed pulp and add the drained water to a boil and stir mixture. This preparation is consumed in one day into two halves.
For treatment of heart failure with edema can drink a glass of juice per day for a long time.
If insect bites can be used in pulp pads. These poultices change daily until healed.

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