Friday, October 19, 2012

Spinach, legend and source of health

Spinach is native to Turkestan and Afghanistan. Arabs used it to combat diseases of the throat and lungs, in France, this vegetable made its appearance in HIV-th century.


Popeye, the legendary cartoon character, has contributed significantly to the popularity of this vegetable. The truth is that spinach, even rich in iron, does not contain this element in greater proportion than other vegetables, but, in spinach, iron combines with other substances of prime importance: folic acid (or folate), vitamin B12, associated with folic acid, increases the number of red blood cells. Chlorophyll, in combination with iron, it regenerates and increases blood hemoglobin content. Iodine is proving very useful in fighting skin diseases, tuberculosis and in strengthening the body's natural immunity.

Because a substance saponin, iron and iodine are easily absorbed by the body. Saponin occurs and the digestive system function.

consequently, spinach is recommended, above all, convalescents, children, the elderly, pregnant women. The latter need "burning" of folic acid participating, inter alia, the regeneration of the epidermis. It is essential in wound healing.
outside of the action that stimulates bowel to escape, spinach "Scratch" easy food waste from the intestinal walls, leading to increased faecal mass.
Taken regularly helps to get a spinach beautiful hair, because sulfur present in the composition.
There is still a shadow in this picture: not everyone can make a clean spinach. People with liver and rheumatic afectuni, those stones should consume it in moderation, because it contains oxalic acid. People forced to keep a strict diet, no salt, it will eliminate all of the food.

By boiling, spinach loses most of its active principles. It is advisable not even a boiling steam or suppressed. If you want to enjoy all its capabilities, you must eat it raw and fresh.
Spinach juice cure rebalances and strengthens the body, is a shield against anemia, nervous depression and fatigue.
Spinach juice are combined in equal parts with the carrot of cress or celery.
External use

In local applications, spinach soothes burns and impetigo site. Boil a few leaves of spinach in a little olive oil. Is fixed with a bandage. Apply two or three day poultices.

Dry hair: International action to support the plant, apply in parallel and this recipe: Boil 125 g of fresh spinach in a half liter of water for 20 minutes. Allow to cool. Apply a hair product in the form of poultice. Massage it gently for one minute, then leave on an hour with a plastic bag. Then wash hair. The treatment is repeated twice a week.

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