Friday, October 19, 2012

Black Radish and its beneficial effects

At times, Egyptians, Romans and Arabs used black radish for its medicinal qualities.


Of bronchial secretions is a fluid, due to its sulfur-rich active substances. Must enter the rations of those suffering from chronic bronchitis and asthma.

Blood cleanser, energizing, black radish is unsurpassed in the liver and kidneys to release waste and toxins that flood in the active intestine, stomach and gallbladder.

Consumed raw, black radish is a valuable adjunct for individuals who are exposed to allergies and eczema.
Sulphide substances it contains gives it the property to stimulate the appetite, which is recommended for all those with poor appetite.

What can be said about radishes? Its effects are weaker than those of the black, so it is much less used in natural pharmacopoeia.
Wise and experienced, our ancient recipes that have been sent to the black radish. The which I present below is effective in liver disorders, gallbladder disorders and the persistent cough: Wash well some black radishes, cut thin slices, without peeling them. Cover bottom of dish with thin slices and sprinkle on them a layer of raw sugar. Place as many alternating layers of radishes and sugar. Let soak until a thick syrup. Drain syrup and store in an airtight bottle, cold. Drink three tablespoons in the morning on an empty stomach and two tablespoons before dinner. It makes it cure for two to four weeks.

Formerly, this recipe was used to strengthen weak persons and children.

wide recipe now that our grandfathers used to fight arthritis: a fine shave big black radish, washed, unpeeled bark. Let soak this puree in a liter of dry white wine for two weeks. Shake the bottle each day. Strain. Drink a glass of this mixture morning on an empty stomach. Is the treatment for three weeks and can resume every season.

We can not overlook the action antirahitica antiscorbutic and black radish. These exceptional properties are due to its rich content of vitamin C and the iodine.

All qualities are found in juice or, it can therefore replace them radish juice.
If you are not afraid of treatments "shock", the daily dose of 100 to 400g of fresh juice extracted biliary colic calm. With this remedy, Dr. Grumm has received many successes.
In some people, the juice and pulp can cause digestive disorders. In this case, the first low dose and then increased gradually. But, if the condition recurs, you should stop cure.
currently, most hygienists have determined the optimum amount to be consumed between 50 and 100 grams.
To obtain a special action on the liver, Raymond Dextreit recommended to be taken one or two tablespoons of juice before the two meals.

Juice of this vegetable juice can be mixed with other vegetables.
I would like to conclude this chapter before reproducing my letter one correspondences:

"At age 35 I had some strong attacks the liver. A few years later I had a fibroid that had operated. A day after surgery, the doctor, passing through my room, I said he could see and even touch the stones that I had the bladder.
One day, someone told me "try a diet with black radish juice will dissolve the stones to." I did the treatment for two months, one half cup on an empty stomach every morning: crises my liver disappeared.
I am now 73 years and have never had seizures
P. S. Smash a black radish peel and juice is collected in a sieve closely. It is hard, or bad taste. My husband has cultivated my garden a large layer
black radishes. "

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