Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Therapeutic virtues of cabbage - this food so common for us - are known since antiquity, it was considered at one time a true panacea. His qualities are undisputed, such as cabbage can be used successfully to prevent and treat a very large number of diseases, it is a real natural pharmacy. It is especially rich in provitamin A, vitamins C and E and fiber, which promotes healthy cell elements. Unfortunately, many accuse of causing some digestive disorders. Let's not forget that in most cases, these disorders may result from cabbage with meat consumption (cabbage or cabbage). Instead, however, no one can complain that he had problems after eating a salad of fresh cabbage.

Nutritional and dietary interest 

Cabbage is a vegetable very little value, it having about 25 calories (100 kjouli) per 100 grams of product. Carbohydrates, which provide some of the calories are made ​​up primarily of pentosan, partially assimilated carbohydrates. Besides, they also contain sucrose, glucose and fructose. Protides, which complements the energetic, and they are present at high levels. Wealth vitamin kale should be emphasized, it being reproduced among the vegetables high in vitamin C (the richest sheets are located on the outside). By boiling but lose about 30-40 percent of the content of vitamin C. Cabbage is also rich in vitamin E: 2.7 mg per 100 g, which is a record for a vegetable, 200 grams of cabbage consumed daily covering daily vitamin E. 200 grams of cabbage cover daily requirements vitamin A provitamin A (or carotene, which converts to vitamin A in the body) is also very well represented, such as a serving of 200 grams of cabbage cover the daily requirement of vitamin A. vitamin B group are also very well represented: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, which is all that is anticancer group.

Beneficial effect in preventing colon cancer

Research conducted over the past 20 years have confirmed that regular consumption of cabbage has beneficial effect in preventing colon cancer in particular the stomach, and the lung, esophagus and rectum (research by the University of Minnesota and J. Hopkins, in Greece, Israel, Japan, Norway). Research has revealed so that people who eat cruciferous family vegetables, especially cabbage, are much less likely that other colon cancer (studies conducted by the American National Cancer Institute).

High mineral content

Mineral content is also well represented: calcium, magnesium, iron, and not just in trace elements: iodine, copper, manganese, sulfur. Dietary fibers are abundant, composed mostly of cellulose and hemicellulose, which explains some intestinal intolerance. Preparation of cabbage can remove but these effects. Dietary fiber are able to stimulate the gut and prevent constipation. A serving of 200 grams of cabbage provides more than 20 percent of the required daily amount of fiber (30-37 g).
Therapeutic properties
Cabbage is an alkalizing food nutrient, energy, remineralizing and refreshing and is preferable to eat raw, to keep the property intact.


Presents disinfectant and healing properties of the tissue
 He had significant pulmonary antiseptic and expectorant properties
 Promotes carbohydrate metabolism and oxygen uptake in cells
 Has anticancer action: experts recommend regular use of green as its content increased carotene reduces cancer risk. At the same time, sulfur and hitidina it contains cabbage reduces tumors, providing release toxins
 The appetizers and antidepressant. The Romans, for example, were confident that cabbage cure melancholy. Being very rich in vitamins and minerals, sprouts provide essential elements cold season

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