Friday, October 19, 2012

Ten tips for better digestion

One. Every morning, before breakfast, drink juice of 1-2 lemons squeezed in 250-500 ml water. This juice drink a day will help to clean toxins and reduce stomach acidity.
Two. Another drink that is good to eat every day, morning, or anytime before meals and drinks will be filled first effects will be as follows: Mix 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with 250-500 ml of apple juice (shown to be fresh squeezed). This will balance the acidity of gastric juice drink.
Three. Avoid cold drinks while eating. The meal is digested more efficiently if they eat the body temperature, so cold drinks can slow digestion. If you just have a drink while eating, try a herbal tea, hot. Coffee and alcohol can increase the acidity of gastric juices so better avoid them.
Four. Have you heard of Swedish bitter? It can be found in specialty stores in the country. Take a little of the bitter morning 20-30 minutes before meals to enhance digestive functions and to allow release of enzymes necessary for the process.
Five. Auto massage techniques and exercise should be part of your daily schedule, as it contributes greatly to good digestion. Exercise liver will be able to tone and cleanse the body and allow ventilation and of digestion. Bring the left heel to right side below the ribs, above the hip. Firm pressure, slowly move your hand over the body until the mid abdomen above the navel. Repeat 10-15 times.
Exercise stomach is similar to the liver, but apply to other side of the body. This exercise will have beneficial effects both on the stomach, spleen and pancreas, as well as the entire digestion. Place the left heel in the space created between the ribs and hip with fingers pointing towards the body. Move your hand slowly but firmly along the body, to the center, until just above the navel. Repeat the movement, also 10-15 times.
Six. Short fasting allows the digestive system will make a break. However, after the first period should last 24 hours. Always remember to drink plenty of fruit and vegetable juices during this time. Plan your days of fasting during times you do not have much work and you can relax.
Seven. Chew, chew, chew ... This is one of the most important mechanisms of digestion and, unfortunately, the least taken into account. Chewing is the first step of digestion. It is not just a simple physical act, active signals are transmitted by chewing organs to secrete their digestive juices (pancreatic juice, gastric acid, etc..) In preparation for the food to come. Experts believe it has to chew the food until it becomes almost liquid.
Eight. Combined the food is used by many people. There are books that explain how best to combine food is not necessarily considering a diet, but also for the functioning of the digestive system. This theory takes into account the three main types of food - carbohydrates (bread, potatoes, rice), protein (meat, dairy, soy, nuts) and fats (oils, margarine). It is considered that these three types should not be mixed.
Nine. Clean your colon and liver with plant food and whole digestive system will feel better. Nutrition experts recommend several ways of cleaning. Any method is good as long as it does its job and you feel good.
Ten. Here is a list of plants that are known for the help it can provide in cases of excess stomach acid. For example, meadowsweet tea, marshmallow and comfrey taken separately or together in equal parts is very good for digestion. Suspension of powdered elm is very soothing and relieve ulcer pain. Bay berries and wild potatoes can be used as tinctures or fluid extracts. These plants will help to soothe and heal ulcers or colic of any kind.
Other plants that may influence digestion in general: gentian, barberry, angelica, dandelion root that stimulates production of digestive juices.
These plants can employ in teas, tinctures or syrups. Peppermint, chamomile is used in soothing teas while nutmeg, cloves, cumin, ginger and cinnamon can be added to foods because they taste good, or to make tea.

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