Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Rapeseed oil

A comeback among the oils considered beneficial to health. Light colored and rather neutral taste, oil not far from the small remembers yellow flowers (and smelly!) Which is extracted. Just like the soy oil is fragile, not withstand boiling. Is used, so, for salads, vegetables and marinades. But his weakness is due, in fact, rich in Omega-3 essential fatty acid, becoming the star of nutritional programs. It's that famous fatty acid that plays a role in heart and brain cell renewal.

Remedy anti-fatigue: two soup spoons of rapeseed oil per day are sufficient to cover 98% of your daily Omega-3. Do not hesitate! Prepare salad dressing with rapeseed oil.

Although olive oil is a wonder food for cholesterol, not to use it exclusively. In fact, there are times when it simply should not be used, as for example when it comes to something carriages.
In this case, the best choice is canola oil. Although low in saturated fat, rich in omega 3 and omega 6, and cholesterol as good as the olive, it does not have party advertisers.
Numerous studies have shown its benefits to heart. At the 2000 meeting of the American Heart Association, Lawrence L. Rudel scientist presented enough evidence that canola oil reduces risk of atherosclerosis and is an excellent source of Vitamin E, an antioxidant that gives thee of heart disease (coronary).
In addition, canola oil has no flavor, which makes it extremely versatile. Use it whenever you need vegetable oil, where you can and fry.

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