Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Magnesium prolongs our youth

Magnesium salts usually found in animal and plant tissues. In our bodies they are in proportion of about 7 times higher than those of iron.

Daily dose is 150-350 mg, higher in children and pregnant women. Magnesia absorption is through your digestive system, diseases that some of it may lead to impaired absorption phenomena. It is favored by the presence of vitamin D and mineral fixation is made in the presence of vitamin E. magnesium positively affects functioning parathyroid hormone and growth hormone and protein formation. Also positively influence the metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids. Some drugs (cortisone, aldosterone, tyrosine, etc.) favor the elimination of magnesium in the body. In the body, magnesium is in a relationship of interdependence with sodium and calcium, among these three minerals they are held so-called phenomenon of molecular transmutation. Thus, if the body is a sufficient concentration of magnesium and calcium deficiency occurs, the phenomenon of transmutation, can form calcium magnesium necessary.


To ensure the necessary magnesium is recommended to use salt and coarse black bread, rich in mineral salts and magnesium, the preparation of food. You can also eat the soup boiled vegetables, fruits and meat.
Magnesium is present in notable amounts:
fruit: apples, quinces, plums, cherries, apricots, chestnuts, figs, dates, nuts and rosehip, vegetables: carrots, parsley, celery, beetroot, leeks, potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, nettles, spinach, endive, bean , asparagus, white beans, peas, animal products: liver, heart, kidney and muscle; cereals: wheat, corn, barley and oats.
Present in normal amounts, the dietary intake, magnesium in the body means: preventing premature aging of tissues, asthenia, digestive disorders (motility, enzymatic, the acidogeneza), diseases of the respiratory system, allergies, disorders of hepato-biliary area, related to bladder contractions, constipation, to detoxify the liver to Magnesium is cardioprotective, prevents installation spasmophilia, gout and arthritis.

Without the magnesium ?

Magnesium deficiency, in turn, is manifested by anxiety and hiperemotivitate by laryngospasm by headache, dizziness, and insomnia lipotomie. Also in the absence of magnesium manifests visual fatigue, palpitations, biliary dyskinesia and asthenia and weakness appendages (teeth, hair, nails). The elderly, magnesium deficiency is also manifested in the tremors, abnormal gait and asthenia.

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