Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Watermelon cleanse and detoxify the body internally, helping to eliminate toxins from the liver, intestines protect thin and stimulate kidney activity.

The core juicy and delicious watermelon delight your taste buds in a way that even the most demanding and refreshing summer cocktail fails. And not only makes a food taste incredible, but refreshing and re-energizing effects it has on the body. Nutritionists recommend we eat watermelon with confidence because it is one of the most effective methods of hydration and body vitaminizare summer. More than 90% of the composition is water. The remaining natural sugars, enzymes, organic acids, sodium, potassium and iron and lycopene, a powerful antioxidant, specifically fruits and vegetables red core, which neutralizes free radicals while preventing cancer cells.

In addition, among the vitamins present in excess in red watermelon composition are vitamin A, with an important role in visual adaptation, vitamin B6, which helps form hemoglobin and improves the body's ability to defend against infection (stimulates the formation of antibodies) and vitamin C, extremely known for its effect to increase immunity. It is good to know that watermelon is among the lowest risk foods to cause allergies so do not hesitate to indulge the child with a delicious serving of watermelon soundly.

Favorite food list would be great if you enter and watermelon. 100 grams of watermelon contains only 30 calories and also watermelon clean and detoxify the body internally, helping to eliminate toxins from the liver, intestines protect thin and stimulate kidney activity. Due to its diuretic capabilities, watermelon diet is recommended in people with kidney stones or those suffering from gout. A strong and effective body moisturizer, watermelon is good and the adjustment of body hormonal activities.

Also, watermelon is one food listed in people suffering from heart, having in its composition a tiny amount of saturated fat. Cucurbocitrinul, a substance present in the composition of watermelon, stimulates capillary dilation and helps normalize blood pressure.

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