Friday, October 19, 2012

Peach prevent cancer and get rid of wrinkles

Originally from China, peach has inspired many poets and painters. France's culture has spread from the fifteenth century.


If the formula "to have blood in their veins," does not seem so established, the formula "to feel in shape" is certainly justified, because peach is, par excellence, indicated convalescent food, showing the advanced state of fatigue or state depression. It supplies energy replenish the sugar content and rich in carbohydrates. Phosphorus that it contains protects nerve cells, so consumption is recommended peaches neurosis. Vitamins A, Bi, B2, Ete is irreplaceable to balance the nervous system, synthesis of hemoglobin, maintaining magnesium in the body, strengthening the body's natural immunity.
Four peaches eaten every morning instead of breakfast regulate intestinal and liver functions, maintain alkalinity of blood, promotes assimilation and nutrition.
Regular use is recommended peaches and those with urinary stones, and people who want to increase the flow of urine. This delicious and refreshing fruit will definitely win unanimous endorsement of gourmets!
To get the effect of all components, must be consumed with the fruit peel (after, in advance, was washed under running tap water, if not from a biological culture).

Peach juice pulp retains all the qualities, including its virtues laxatives.

Peach leaves and flowers are used for therapeutic purposes. They have a calming action, antispasmodic and slightly purgative: 30 g of leaves or flowers in a pint of water allow to infuse for ten minutes. Drink one cup after each meal.
External use

Because of its remarkable peach nourishes and regenerates.

Peach Cream for normal and dry skin: three tablespoons peach juice, just as fresh cream, half a teaspoon of lemon juice. Mix well. On the face. Allow five minutes and then rinse.

Normal and dry skin mask: Apply the pulp of a peach to which was added a teaspoon of sweet almond oil. Rinse after he left on for 20 minutes.
Lotionând just peach juice to give your skin can look shiny.

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