Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Five ways to relax your mind

A week on the beach you can recharge physically, but mentally tired you can come back to how you left. Here's how to give your mind a few moments of relaxation:

- If you have 5 minutes ... Try an exercise in anti-gravity. Keep your eyes open or closed and visualize your body floating in a space increasingly higher. You'll feel like you are in a hot air balloon - for less landscape.

If you have 10 minutes ... Do not think about anything. I know it's hard. Here's how I do: I think continually to nonsense syllables (such as "SMA") and not let anything get in my head. Try it. After 10 minutes you will feel refreshed.

- If you have 3 hours ... Use technology. Play FIFA 12 or browsing the Internet - read news, listen to music, chatting. Enter a virtual world where you decuplezepentru time everyday problems.

- If you have three days ... Taste the forbidden fruit, that is the thing that you love. Tom and Jerry may be full, childhood collection of magazines or news channel and videos. Really does not matter, as long as something legal. You'll feel ready to regain your world.

- If you have a weeks ... Change your sleep habits. Rather than sleep eight hours / night, sleep four hours of 16.00 to 20.00 and four of 4.00 from 8.00. Day will seem twice as long, and therefore holiday will seem more consistent.

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