Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Reishi mushrooms, savior of lives

Why are so many diseases today? A third of people suffering from diseases but many who are sick but do not show any symptoms. Reishi mushrooms, the food Roman gods, the elixir of life in China can bring great changes to strengthen the immune system to fight disease.

Nutrition is a factor influencing the immune system in various ways. Inadequate nutrition leads to shortcomings in the vital functions that cause various health problems. However, most people go to the body only two thirds of the daily recommended by doctors. Shortcomings such devices may be counteracted by many supplements that can reduce the risk of disease.
Why do we believe that the water we drink or the air we breathe is clean? Each time you breathe, or go-poisonous toxins in the body, the immune system is forced to fight against them. Mold, dust, feces, viruses, bacteria, fungi and many others, put to the test our health every day. According to statistics, diseases are caused cancer of 75 percent due to chemical pollutants in the environment.

The immune system is traumatized by ionizing radiation, which are used in X-ray radiographs. We are all subjected to ionizing radiation, known as background radiation. (Background radiation include sunlight, radiation from the star of radioactive substances in the soil). Radiation sources and some machines can be used in the household, such as microwave ovens, mobile phone or even some watches.

But do not forget the stress, which can be considered the main cause in most cases of illness, weaknesses and how unhealthy eating. Dr. János Selye, who first used the term stress, said: "is a constant component of modern life, would be lethal total lack". But negative stress constant can also cause death. When the body is burdened by improper diet, infections, foreign substances, poisons, trauma and stress, the immune system can have very different reactions, which can lead to terrible results. But these can be avoided and prevented.

Reishi history started more than 4,000 years. Was once considered universal medicine, being used in curing any disease, was considered a strengthening of memory, immune system, giving strength and energy and ensures a long life! In the XXI century we would be hard to find a supplement better, more complete. Reishi mushrooms can achieve normal operation citokinine, but also stimulate NK cells (Natural Killer). Case studies have proven that it helps the immune system in combating various diseases cancer, sinptomelor against exhaustion, autoimmune diseases, especially when done and an appropriate diet and are supported by the course of detoxification.

Reishi mushrooms helps the disease HIV / AIDS, improves blood circulation, reduce cholesterol and blood sugar, reduce nausea, a side effect of chemotherapy in cancer patients.
Wasser and Weis, in their 1999 publication, argue that this fungus has the following effects: combat fungal infections, inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral (HIV), antiparasitic, regulates blood circulation, immune system activity and biliary, cardiac tonic (restores normal heart tone) , protects the liver, increases male potency, fighting bronchitis.
From this long list, shows how many patients and not only can call extraordinary beneficial effects of this supplement. Research beneficial effects of this fungus growing concern of many scientists and publications containing results of research reach the many thousands of pages.
Reishi is a nutritional supplement that provides a more healthy functioning body. Damaging free radicals in the environment will decrease, but it is time to do everything possible to protect and improve the immune system. But still we must not forget one important thing, Reishi, like all nutritional supplements, is effective only if using.

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