Saturday, October 20, 2012

A medicine called ... onions


Although all fruits and vegetables are good man, but some deserve the name "miracle food" onion is one of them.
People who fear heart disease know that onions, streamlining the blood, lowers the risk of thrombosis and myocardial infarction. This property was confirmed by British cardiologists. Building on this discovery, some laboratories have prepared tablets based on onion extract associated with magnesium.

Experiences have shown that it can cause the elimination of three liters of urine per day. An action of this magnitude, which is completed by the dissolution and elimination of uric acid, is proving effective in relief of rheumatic pain and gout.
Just to look around us to see that people who eat onions rarely suffer from these two diseases.

Formidable diuretic effects of onions is manifested by the action of edema, aqueous leakage, ascites, which is reabsorbed within a few days. healing amazingly wide case, reported by H. Leclerc:
"Often, especially during the war, I had the opportunity to experience the diuretic effects of raw onion. I quote first one Senegalese case, after an angina diphtheria, this pericarditis, pleurisy with leg edema and albuminuria, blood analysis proved a powerful cloruremie: I had to eat raw onions every day six they chewing, indeed, with obvious pleasure, following this regimen, after eight days, urine volume has tripled, leaks were reabsorbed edema disappeared and chloride removal occurred normally. "'
However, to benefit from the effects of onions, liver should not be touched by cancer - an advanced cirrhosis. Also, onions are contraindicated people who have ascites.
Glucochinina it contains onion is responsible for its antidiabetic action. This substance stimulates the pancreas, forcing lsa resume natural function: insulin secretion. Some authors claim that the hypoglycemic action of onion is due, on the other hand, its ability to stimulate diuresis.
Onions can also act in cases of ocular tension. Dr. Yves Cohen tells a patient who refuses to put drops in the classic problems:

"I recommended to avoid fats, cakes and alcohol and have a diet rich in onions and garlic. Because this mode, the voltage was improved eye. "

Even people with high cholesterol have every incentive to include onions in your daily menu, as scientists have discovered a cholesterol-lowering actiuhe.
A study published by Dr. Dorsch and his team (in Germany) proves anti-asthmatic and anti-inflammatory effect of onion, in truth, these investigators found the presence of thiosulphate in onion, molecules which are due, it seems, these qualities.
Some authors assign remarkable effects in prostate disease (by check) to clean a large onion, finely chop and mix into a soup or stew that is consumed every evening. Cure lasts three months.
Essences sulfur onion, garlic comparable, both very volatile, is an effective microbicide.

Antifungal and anthelmintic, onion causes the worm (ascarizi, pinworms).
What can add to "record" impressive this vegetable? Silicon it contains strengthens bones and arteries supple play. Sulfur regenerates the nervous system and is useful in skin diseases. Iodine stimulates the body's natural immunity. Vitamin A regulates the endocrine glands, contribute to maintaining skin and muscle, slows the aging tissue.
Onions are recommended in lung diseases and in rickets, do not forget obesity, because of his great powers diuretics.
Onions strengthens natural immunity, helps maintain the health of the body. Against him are endless praise.

Note, however, for this generous food is pretty stingy with its virtues, if you cook, I found that cooking destroys a large number of vital elements, this vegetable, more than others, should be eaten raw. Obviously, if you have difficulty in eating it so you can submit a moderate cooking will keep to its irritant effect, but knowing that its salutary effects will be reduced.

Everyone will agree that onion juice can be drunk as orange juice or apple juice, because, like pulp of this vegetable juice can irritate sensitive digestive mucosa. However, as with lemon juice, a cure can be beneficial for progressive body: half a teaspoon on the first day, a teaspoon of juice throughout the day, etc.. You Drink, according to some authors, up to half a glass of onion juice. It is not advisable to exceed this dose. Make a natural cure is not to defy nature, but rather, to align yourself with it. Once familiar with onion juice, you can start a real cure.

As pulp, onion juice has anti-inflammatory, antiparasitic, antibacterial and lowers cholesterol levels, factors that play the biggest role in cardiovascular diseases.
When prescriptions are transmitted over time means that they have shown qualities, broad, so different recipes using onions, from the popular pharmacopoeia.

General fatigue: a large onion (washed) is boiled in a pint of water. Cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Leave to infuse for 15 minutes. Drink morning for three weeks.

Flu: let soak for four onions for 24 hours in a quart of warm water. Drink a cup between meals and another before bed. This preparation, drinking one bowl in the morning on an empty stomach has the ability to improve diabetes.
Onion alcohol solution is recommended for resorption of edemas of the lower limbs: 150 g finely chop the onion. Add an equal amount of alcohol of 90 °. Let soak for ten days, stirring daily dish. Strain, squeezing well. Take three to four tablespoons per day, possibly dissolved in some water. Is a cure for one month, which can be taken up by two or three times a year.

Rheumatism: another very simple recipe, known by the people of the country: cut two onions (cleaned), boil a pint of water. Boil ten minutes. Drink a glass morning on an empty stomach, another in bed for three weeks. Resume course of two or three times a year.
We saw before the onion is less active if boiled. Instead, clean liquid form can be repeated every day easier. Because of balanced and constant consumption, results delayed.
External use

Whitlow, abscesses, boils: put a chopped onion in a bowl and cover to prevent drying. Bake 30 minutes on low heat, then leave to cool slightly. Apply to the sore place. Cover with a bandage and leave on for an hour. The operation is repeated three times per day.

Warts: it picks a large onion and fill the hollow with fine salt, let it soak all night. Morning and evening apply onion juice on the warts that developed in the groove. Fix it with gauze. Follow the treatment until the wart disappeared.

Minor cuts: Apply a thin onion and fixed with a bandage.
Difficulty with urination (dysuria): two or three slices cut raw onion and apply on the feet. You wear socks carefully and keep all night. This method seems strange that leads to heavy morning urine. In any case, the method was much used in antiquity.

Bronchitis and cough: slice two onions. Easy bake without water or fat. Then crush easily put them in gauze and apply on the chest or neck in the form of poultice, to keep all night, attaching with a loose bandage.

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