Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The importance of sleep in the psychological development of children

Many parents worry about the child's sleep schedule and not talking here of sleep at day, but I mean that the rest the body, namely sleep more at night. We'll talk about this article and physiological aspects, but we insist on the psychological effects of sleep.
In the stages of child development is a time when he should have his room, his personal space more precisely, from this point of view there are difficulties because many parents take their children and their bed room and then it is very difficult to separate the little ones.
In practice I have seen many cases even families with two children, parents were sleeping with little ones , even intermediaries between mother and father.
Sure I do not mean a precarious financial situation in which there is no way a personal space for children, but
even so, we try to create a separate crib for the baby, despite sleeping in the same room with mom and dad.

Remember that the baby is a person who communicates. It is to make ourselves understood, to verbalize and to offer so much affection that they need to grow and develop optimally balanced.

Children are very easy to take care of their mother permanently, it has been normal, but if the child is 6-7 years and turns early, and at night if he sleeps with his mother crying, then we are dealing with a problem . Most often invoke fear of the dark, fear of a pati, but they actually are irrational fears. If the child and explain what happens, perhaps we can leave a night light in the nursery or door open, then the child will understand the situation and it can cause at least to try, visiting characters from his life, like cartoons, or movies / stories that will help and encourage him. Often, problems do not belong to little children but, rather, parents who do not have the strength needed to break up the child, feeling guilty about it "abandoned" if it cries.

Remember that emotional blackmail arsenal is the main prerogative of children in these times. It is very important to be firm, to explain why it is important the child to sleep alone, tell her you love, that they are together and any time you have access to each other.
Certainly not discuss here the pathological cases or the child is sick. Furthermore, mothers must remember that in addition to being my mother and couple life, and this is important in order to create a harmonious and balanced development.

The fact that parents sleep in bed with children, there remains no trace. They are seen in child behavior is more timid, anxious, and assumes no responsibility, as they say in people, "obstetrician".
Therefore must be given an opportunity to grow, the reliance on time, get-everything, like a baby mother.
A special situation where we meet is the second child and he sleeps with his mother and eldest child sleeping alone. In this case requires a discussion with your son or daughter, so they understand what is happening. Coopted him great care in activities of the small, determined him to feel useful, appreciated, desired and loved by you.

Traditionally, many families with children sleeping in the same room or in bed, because of fear, the desire to protect their children or because it is more comfortable for the mind and soul. This however does not make us better or more responsible parents. The children must know that we are with them at any time, whether or not sleep in another room. It just makes them more responsible to create a personal space where you feel alive.

Kiwi - for the heart

Potassium prevents cardiovascular disease Kiwi has more vitamin C than an orange. But did you know that has a high content of potassium? Therefore, kiwi helps maintain a healthy heart.

Refreshing and full of vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber, kiwi fruit ideal for keeping in shape. One kiwi provides us with a daily dose of vitamin C (80 mg). In addition to vitamin C, kiwi provide a good deal of vitamin E (3 mg/100 g), provitamin A (0.05 mg/100 g) and group B vitamins, which play an important role in the immune system. However only 50 calories a price.

Kiwi is also a good source of energy because it contains carbohydrates (10 g/100 g). Carbohydrates in Kiwi are easily assimilated sugars, especially fructose and glucose. With the agreement of nutritionist and the diabetes can eat kiwi.

Natural antihypertensive. A study at the University of Oslo showed that due to high potassium content, kiwi is a good remedy for the cardiovascular diseases. 100 grams fruit we provide 300 milligrams of potassium, which acts to regulate blood pressure. Therefore, the kiwi is recommended for high ride a high consumption of salt. The researchers also found that these exotic fruits have a protective effect against cardiovascular disease by reducing blood cholesterol content. Kiwi plates to deposit fat on artery walls, thus preventing atherosclerosis. Norwegian researchers say that two to three kiwifruit a day can burn the fat that blocks arteries, thus decreasing the formation of thrombosis (obstruction of a blood vessel by a clot). Because anticoagulant properties, these fruits can replace aspirin, recommended to increase vasodilatation in some cardiovascular diseases, say researchers at Oslo. Other natural sources of potassium include bananas (400 mg potasiu/100 g), lettuce (360 mg potassium), fungi (320 mg), potatoes (320 mg), apricots (270 mg), apples (150 mg), pears (150 mg).

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Poisson : une source d'Omégas 3… et de polluants

Les poissons sont une source importante d'Oméga 3, bien connus pour leur rôle dans la prévention cardiovasculaire. Mais ces aliments peuvent aussi contenir certains toxiques, comme le méthylmercure ou les dioxines. Mais alors combien doit-on en consommer ? Deux fois par semaine selon les autorités sanitaires.
Des Oméga 3 indispensables dans le poisson…
  • L'acide alpha-linolénique (ALA), qui se trouve dans certains aliments végétaux (noix, huile de colza, graines de lin…).
  • L'acide eicosapentaénoïque (EPA) et l'acide docosahexaénoïque (DHA), présents principalement dans les poissons.
Les poissons riches en Oméga 3 réduisent le risque cardiovasculaire
Composant essentiels des membranes de nos cellules, les Oméga 3 ont de nombreuses vertus. La plus connue est sans nul doute son action de prévention cardiovasculaire. C'est même la proportion de maladies du coeur dans des populations plus ou moins consommatrices de poissons qui a permis de souligner leur rôle. Selon une compilation d'études sur le sujet1, la consommation de poisson à raison d'une fois par semaine réduirait de 15 % la mortalité coronarienne (par crise cardiaque). Chaque portion supplémentaire de 20 g de poisson par jour réduirait encore ce risque de 7 % ! Les cardiologues prescrivent d'ailleurs volontiers un médicament à base d'huiles de poissons aux personnes ayant déjà présenté un infarctus(on parle alors de "prévention secondaire").
Gare aux polluants dans les poissons et les fruits de mer !

  • Les éléments traces métalliques, aussi appelés métaux lourds
  • Les polluants organiques persistants, POP
  • Les poissons prédateurs (qui mangent d'autres plus petits poissons) : espadon, empereur, thon…En bout de chaîne alimentaire, ils ont plus de "chance" d'accumuler des contaminants.
  • Les poissons gras, saumon, sardine, maquereau… qui peuvent concentrer les POP, puisque ces composés sont lipophiles (ils se lient aux graisses).
  • Du poisson 2 fois par semaine, une fois du gras (saumon, sardine, maquereau, hareng…), et une fois du maigre (colin, cabillaud, merlan, sole…) ;
  • Varier les espèces et les provenances (lieu de pêche ou de production, sauvages, d'élevage) ;
  • Les femmes enceintes ou qui allaitent, les enfants de moins de 3 ans (dont l'organisme est particulièrement fragile), doivent éviter : anguille, barbeau, brème, carpe, espadon, lamproie, marlin, requin, siki (saumonette), silure.
Au-delà du poisson, il y a d'autres sources d'Oméga 3

Trois acides gras de la famille des Oméga 3 sont considérés comme indispensables à l'organisme :

On peut fabriquer de l'EPA et du DHA à partir de l'ALA, mais en quantité insuffisante pour couvrir nos besoins. Il est ainsi recommandé de consommer de l'EPA et du DHA, notamment en mangeant du poisson, et plus particulièrement des poissons gras qui en contiennent environ 10 fois plus que les poissons maigres (blancs).
Consommation poisson
Autre observation au niveau des populations : les plus grosses mangeuses de poisson, souffrent moins de dépression. Là encore, les Oméga 3 jouent probablement un rôle. Très concentrés dans les neurones et les fibres optiques, on sait qu'ils sont indispensables au bon développement du système nerveux et de la rétine du foetus et du jeune enfant.
A mesure que l'on identifie tous les bienfaits des Oméga 3, les apports conseillés français ont été revus à la hausse2 en 2010 : 2 à 2,5 g d'ALA, 250 mg d'EPA et 250 mg de DHA par jour.
A l'inverse, les poissons peuvent être contaminés par de nombreux polluants, dangereux pour la santé humaine, en provenance pour la plupart d'activités industrielles ou agricoles. Si certains de ces composés sont désormais interdits, ils demeurent toutefois présents dans l'atmosphère, les sols, ou l'eau (fleuves ou océans). On distingue deux grandes catégories :

Parmi eux, le mercure, qu'on ingère essentiellement sous forme de méthylmercure (dans les poissons et les fruits de mer). Ce composé est toxique pour le système nerveux, en particulier pour le foetus et le jeune enfant. En revanche, une étude toute récente menée aux Etats-Unis sur deux grandes cohortes, semble indiquer qu'une consommation moyenne de mercure (sous forme de poissons) n'augmenterait pas le risque cardiovasculaire3. Autres éléments susceptibles de se concentrer dans le poisson : le cadmium, le plomb, l'arsenic, et les organo-étains, suspectés d'être cancérigènes, d'affecter la reproduction, ou le développement du foetus.

Les plus connus sont les dioxines et les PCB (poly-chloro-biphényls). Présentant une toxicité pour le génome, ils peuvent être cancérigènes. Ils sont également dangereux pour l'embryon et sont qualifiés de perturbateurs endocriniens (du système hormonal). Comme pour le mercure, le risque d'absorption est lié à l'ingestion de poissons et de fruits de mer.
Les poissons les plus à risque d'être pollués sont :

Du poisson 2 fois par semaine, ni plus, ni moins !
En analysant les risques et les bénéfices liés à la consommation de poissons, l'Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire alimentation environnement travail (Anses) recommande, depuis quelques mois4, d'en consommer deux fois par semaine.
Menée de 2003 à 2006, l'étude Calypso a été menée dans 4 zones côtières : Le Havre, Lorient, La Rochelle, et Toulon. Sans être dans des zones particulièrement pollués (les poissons se situaient en-dessous des valeurs maximales réglementaires), ces habitants présentaient des doses de contaminants légèrement supérieures aux seuils limites du fait de leurs habitudes alimentaires (soit une consommation moyenne de poisson de 635 g par semaine, équivalente à environ 4 portions hebdomadaires)5. De nouveaux travaux en cours encouragent l'Anses et ses toxicologues à la prudence, d'autant plus que les doses hebdomadaires tolérables pour les différents polluants pourraient être revues à la baisse. Pour le mercure, elle est ainsi passée de 3,3 mg par kilo de poids corporel en 1993, à seulement 1,6 mg en 2003.
Malgré les qualités nutritionnelles du poisson, les recommandations sont désormais les suivantes :

Au total, l'apport direct d'EPA et de DHA se trouvant ainsi limité, nous avons tout intérêt à consommer suffisamment d'ALA : compter 2 cuillères à soupe quotidiennes d'huile de noix ou de colza, ou de produits supplémentés en en Oméga 3. Sans oublier les noix, les graines de lin (grillées et parsemées sur une salade), la mâche, les épinards et le pourpier.
Les oeufs, le lait, ou la chair d'animaux, dont l'alimentation comporte suffisamment d'Oméga 3 (enrichie en graines de lin ou en luzerne) contiennent de petites proportions d'EPA et de DHA. Enfin, si l'on a recours à des compléments alimentaires à base d'huiles de poissons, il faut s'assurer de la qualité de leurs matières premières. Opter par exemple pour ceux qui respectent la norme Epax, garantie de niveaux de contaminants (mercure, dioxines, PCB) inférieurs aux normes autorisées en Europe, grâce à une technique spécifique de dépollution des huiles.


Watermelon cleanse and detoxify the body internally, helping to eliminate toxins from the liver, intestines protect thin and stimulate kidney activity.

The core juicy and delicious watermelon delight your taste buds in a way that even the most demanding and refreshing summer cocktail fails. And not only makes a food taste incredible, but refreshing and re-energizing effects it has on the body. Nutritionists recommend we eat watermelon with confidence because it is one of the most effective methods of hydration and body vitaminizare summer. More than 90% of the composition is water. The remaining natural sugars, enzymes, organic acids, sodium, potassium and iron and lycopene, a powerful antioxidant, specifically fruits and vegetables red core, which neutralizes free radicals while preventing cancer cells.

In addition, among the vitamins present in excess in red watermelon composition are vitamin A, with an important role in visual adaptation, vitamin B6, which helps form hemoglobin and improves the body's ability to defend against infection (stimulates the formation of antibodies) and vitamin C, extremely known for its effect to increase immunity. It is good to know that watermelon is among the lowest risk foods to cause allergies so do not hesitate to indulge the child with a delicious serving of watermelon soundly.

Favorite food list would be great if you enter and watermelon. 100 grams of watermelon contains only 30 calories and also watermelon clean and detoxify the body internally, helping to eliminate toxins from the liver, intestines protect thin and stimulate kidney activity. Due to its diuretic capabilities, watermelon diet is recommended in people with kidney stones or those suffering from gout. A strong and effective body moisturizer, watermelon is good and the adjustment of body hormonal activities.

Also, watermelon is one food listed in people suffering from heart, having in its composition a tiny amount of saturated fat. Cucurbocitrinul, a substance present in the composition of watermelon, stimulates capillary dilation and helps normalize blood pressure.

Sesame - source of health

Sesame seeds and oil are safe sources of vitamins, nutrients, minerals and lipids. That is why sesame is increasingly used in food and cosmetics.

Sesame seeds can be added including salads, pastry or meat.
Sesame oil is recognized as an excellent disinfectant, which is why massage is used effectively.

Sesame is used for healing effects since 5,000 years ago. Ancient physicians said that sesame oil stimulates blood circulation.

A tablespoon of sesame, with a calorific value of 53 kcal, containing 1.6 g protein, 1.2 g fiber, 2 g carbohydrates, 88 mg calcium, 57 mg phosphorus, 42 mg potassium, 32 mg of magnesium , and zinc, selenium, iron and sodium.

Sesame oil goes into a different margarine and confectionery.

It works wonders for dehydrated skin and sandy. Vitamins and nutrients oil open pores and nourish the skin affected by impurities.

Inflammatory properties and can be used to treat burns and pain occurs when arthritis by high content of calcium and magnesium.

High blood pressure is brought to normal by dietary treatment with sesame oil. Recent studies have shown that even moderate and regular consumption of sesame may play a role in preventing colon cancer or skin cells.

For babies, sesame oil is used to treat rashes, colds but also for aggressive or eliminate bacteria.

People with respiratory diseases, indigestion and urinary infections are advised to consume sesame seeds to heal, doctors announced.

Susan is an important food that contains active ingredients: fiber, vitamins (B, D, E and F), protein, minerals (calcium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, iron), and unsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated (omega-6) or lecithin.

Dietary sesame improves nervous system function and the cardiovascular system.

You get rid of constipation, hemorrhoids and PMS crisis with sesame seeds.

Recent research says that the seeds have effects in some serious diseases such as nerve pains

Toast bread can cause cancer

Potentially carcinogenic substance acrylamide that is found in bread, cereal, coffee, biscuits, pastries, meat, potatoes and is released if you use cooking methods such as baking, frying or roasting on the grill. Experts say that a high acrylamide content if it were fried potatoes at a temperature exceeding 120 degrees Celsius.

Following a study on a sample of 62,000 women, a group of specialists at the University of Maastricht in the Netherlands have found a connection between "ingestion" of the harmful substances and increased number of cases of ovarian cancer. So, the female body will absorb more acrylamide, the greater the risk of ovarian cancer. Study participants who ingested the greatest amount of acrylamide consumed daily half a pack of crackers or a bag of chips or French fries.

This problem was brought to light in 2002 when the National Food Administration in Sweden first discovered traces of acrylamide in some foods produced by baking and roasting. Until that time no one has investigated the matter, since acrylamide was used in the diet. However, since acrylamide has started to become a public health problem, causing numerous controversies and solutions as possible to limit intake of this substance.

What is Acrylamide ?

Acrylamide is a chemical used to purify water, manufacture of cosmetics, glue, construction paper or hardener. Researchers have found that it is formed in the process of preparation of many foods at high temperatures. Worrying factor is the fact that this substance promotes cancer in animals. Also, certain doses of acrylamide have been proved to be so toxic to the nervous system of animals, as well as of people.

How is acrylamide formed?

Administration of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says there is little information on this subject and that what is known is that acrylamide is formed naturally in certain foods cooked at high temperatures (above 120 degrees Celsius including when boiling). Acrylamide content increases as the cooking time is longer. The highest amount of acrylamide found in starchy foods (potatoes, cereals).

What can we do?

Although it is impossible to completely avoid acrylamide, the only thing we can do is to avoid ingesting large quantities. Moreover, experts say it is better to eat home-cooked food that contains less acrylamide than the fast food restaurant. The first rule you need to remember is to reduce the cooking time of food and not cooking at high temperatures. Also, meat or any meat product must be well cooked to kill harmful bacteria.

Because the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not recommend eliminating these foods from our diet offered some suggestions to limit the content of acrylamide:

- by roasting potatoes have the highest acrylamide content. If you prepare the grill or baked whole form less acrylamide. Peel potatoes boiled or baked in the microwave does not favor the formation of acrylamide;

- after you cut potatoes, soak them in water for 15-30 minutes before you prepare in any way. This will ---reduce the amount of acrylamide;

- keeping potatoes in the fridge can increase the amount of acrylamide that is formed in their preparation. It is therefore recommended to store potatoes in a cool dark place such as pantry;

- less fried potatoes, because the darker the dark even with a higher acrylamide content. If you are a big "fan" fries and you can not help, try to limit their consumption and letting a yellowish color while frying them;

- toast must have a light color, not look burnt. Avoid fried part also because they contain the most acrylamide;

- Acrylamide is formed in roasting coffee beans, not when a prepare our house. Until now, experts have found solutions to reduce the acrylamide content that forms the roasting beans.

Practical tips for healthy living

1. Studies suggested that brisk walking step, three or four times a week can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease by up 65%.

2. Regardless of physical form, you can always start a simple exercise routine to help you become healthier. Even a woman of 90 years using a framework to move have a workout simple, very effective.

3. Try to add as much movement in your daily routine. For example, if you leave your car in the farthest parking spot from your destination, you can get a little exercise, especially if the distance faster browsing. Climb the stairs instead of taking the elevator or walk your dog for 10-15 minutes when you get home. At the end of the day you have collected over 30 minutes of movement.

4.Women who suffer from heart or arthritis will notice an improvement in daily life if you manage to integrate, in one form or another, some simple exercises throughout the day.

5. The notion of fitness is composed of four components: the body's ability to use oxygen as an energy source, muscle strength, flexibility and body structure.

6. To meet all the needs of four components, an exercise program should include aerobic exercise, which are defined as repetitive movements of large muscle groups to increase heart rate cadence, weight training and stretching and flexibility exercises.

7. Brisk walking for 15 minutes burns the same calories as a round of jogging the same distance. The benefit of jogging is to cover same distance in less time and is good and bones, but attention can be tiring for some people.

8. It takes about 12 weeks to see noticeable differences in your body, however, in 12 weeks, you will still be aware of an increase in strength and form.

Lemon, pure health

Lemon tree is originally from India, but its miraculous fruits are known and appreciated throughout the world.

Lemon juice contains citric acid, calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, sugars, vitamins A, B and C. Because of these minerals and vitamins, fruit benefits the entire body.
The most popular soft drink from us is water with lemon. But the tea, usually squeeze a few drops of lemon juice.

Lemon juice with honey

Some people complain that they have little appetite, others are too weak and would like to gain weight. Here is a preparation that will help both them and the weak and anemic children.
Squeeze juice from half a lemon pounds put into a jar of 800 grams.
Add the honey, honey preferably poly, to fill the jar. With a wooden spoon until smooth chew.
After 24 hours, adults can take one teaspoon three times daily and children a teaspoon three times a day.
Mixed with calendula tea, equal parts, put in one drop of lemon juice in the nose if you are very cool and flow into a nose. If you hurt nose not seek this remedy.
Lemon juice squeezed on food for lunch or the evening "cut" of calories and help keep the silhouette.
Squeeze lemon over schnitzels, when hot, cover them a few minutes and then serve them. Are delicious! And as fresh and tender and will be over three days.
If you want to use lemon zest to cakes, wash it well before giving lemon grated.
Do not discard the lemon peel. Put them on a plate in the sitting room or on the stove or heater if it is winter.

Eggplant and natural therapies

Known as eggplants, this vegetable is a real source of vitamins and minerals for the human body. Besides the very high water content (93%), eggplant contains potassium, necessary to stimulate the heart, magnesium to combat stress, calcium for bones, vitamin A and C for the immune system. They are what we might call "pure health". For these reasons eggplant consumption is increasingly recommended more by specialists in natural medicine.

Eggplants are popular even in diets. Many nutritionists have begun urging eggplant cure that detoxifies the body and lead to weight loss. Due to its high water and fiber, and a small number of calories (about 20 calories per 100 gr.), Eggplant soothe both hunger and thirst and are a food to be consumed especially hot days.

With relaxing action, they are ideal natural therapies. Over time it was found that eggplant is beneficial in combating stress, insomnia and nerves. It is a good diuretic and a good anti-inflammatory, as indicated those who have digestive problems. Eggplant leaves are used in herbal therapies to relieve sunburn, abscess and hemorrhoids. The juice is great for cleansing the liver and pancreas. Eggplant fibers resulting in decreased metabolism influences blood cholesterol levels.

According to recent studies, eggplant ranks second only sprouts in cancer prevention. Therefore, we recommend that natural medicine specialists season eggplant to take full advantage of this vegetable wealth, consuming it at least once a week.
Latest research shows that the field of herbal medicine for preventing cardiovascular disease, obesity, cancer and aging, vitamins in vegetables (especially eggplant) are more effective than fruit.

Poeple like cucumbers

Culture is produced by early cucumber seedlings, either in pots or in the furrows (seedling cold). Sowing in pots or furrows are made in early March (2-3 Plant seeds or furrow).

Planting seedlings in the field at the beginning of May, at 1 m between rows and 0.5 m at a time.Also in order to obtain early productions, cucumbers can be grown in greenhouses of tunnel type. Culture summer cucumbers is obtained by sowing them directly in the field, in late April or early May, at a distance of 1 m between rows and 0.6 m at a time. At each nest must be put about 200 grams of manure which have to be mixed well with the ground, then you put at each nest at a depth of 2-3 cm, 4-5 seeds. Sprinkle over a thin layer of 1-2 cm of manure.You have to note that the land for cultivation of cucumbers should be digging in fall and fattened with manure, 3000-4000 kg to 1000 square meters. Variety: delicacy, Gherkins, , Levin, Lang, Ileana, , Marina. For fall production, which generally is designed to be pickled , seeding is done in furrows at the beginning of July, at a distance of 70/30 cm. The Gherkins variety is usually used for pickles.
How to take care of your cucumbers culture
Care consists in watering, disease control and pests. To obtain higher harvest and of hybrids and some varieties it is necessary that in phase 2-3 of real leaves , to pure a mix of solution in the amount of 250 mg per liter of water. This method enhances the fruit with 50-55%. If the lots of cucumbers are suffocated by weeds or other perennial weeds with rhizomes you will need to use herbicides.
Benefits .Is an excellent base for salads, drinks and have a laxative effect .It dissolves uric acid and, have beneficial effects on the kidneys.

Irrigation . Cucumber require water especially during flowering and formation of the fruit. It should be noted that the cucumber can be soaked from the morning until noon. If you wet the plants in the evening you risk the development of diseases which cause the loss of more than 50% of the crop. May be watered by furrows in the form of the rain. Depending on weather conditions they need watering during 6-10 weeks during vegetation . To keep water in the soil, the soil should be refined after wetting.
Fertilization. Under plowing is necessary to put manure yeast or manure. Mineral fertilizers should be placed in the spring . If fertilizer minerals have been introduced, it is needed some further fertilization.

Diseases and pests. Cucumber is very sensitive to water deficit. To keep the water in the soil you must refined the land as much time at depth of 2-3 cm. If it is possible, watering should be done 2-3 times depending on weather conditions too.

Harvesting ,depends on the type of crop and the level of care .Harvest collection have to be carried out every day or once in two days.

Tomatoes equal to health

A study by a group of British researchers found that a substance of tomatoes, lycopene, prevents respiratory disease. The consumption of vegetables reduces the risk of developing asthma and lung inflammation. This study demonstrates that dietary supplements containing lycopene and tomato consumption helps people with asthma to control disease and prevent this disease, "said Dr. Paul Foster. Experts say that lycopene increased effects if consumed with foods high in fat, like avocado or olive oil.

Studies on the thousands of consumers of tomatoes revealed the benefits of this plant on the human body, the results are amazing, for tomato, the content, managed to prevent or cure diseases whose cure has long remained only hope at .

Among the vitamins in tomatoes, the most important are vitamin A (important for eye and endocrine processes), B complex (B1, B2, B5, B6 - protecting the nervous system, skeletal system, metabolism), vitamin C (necessary cardiovascular, nervous and endocrine system), vitamin E (vitamin youth and fertility) and vitamin K (important for the synthesis of certain elements of figurative blood). Then, tomatoes contain large amounts of potassium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, magnesium and selenium, and organic acids, the latter having an important role for the digestive system. Also, the tomato is the richest natural source of lycopene, a substrate that gives red. Unfortunately lycopene can not be produced by the body, so is the only source of nutrition.

Tomatoes also contain folic acid, important in hematopoiesis ("making" red blood cells and thus help combat anemia) and eliminate homocysteine​​, an amino acid whose metabolism is dependent on vitamin B complex increased level of homocysteine ​​increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, especially the risk of myocardial infarction, cerebral vascuare accidents and limb vascular disease. Homocysteine ​​is also involved in the development of atherosclerosis, the disease represented by the accumulation of fat (cholesterol) in the vessel wall, which lose their elasicitatea and reduces the lumen (inside), so that the tissues which they irrigate not get enough nutrients and oxygen. Ischemia occurs (underlying infarction: myocardial, brain, lung or other tissues) and tissue degradation.

The enemy of Cancer: Cauliflower

What is the recommended cauliflower in therapy 

Cauliflower is one we all know in our markets: white in color with a diameter of a palm with a smack, slightly pungent, due to sulfur based compounds, compounds that are - it seems - a real panacea in terms health. The cauliflower will be used in therapy. In contrast is the giant cauliflowers, coming from imports, often wrapped in foil, with a very low taste and odor and is kept unchanged for weeks, due to conservation treatments they were subjected. Obviously, cauliflower which grew rapidly with chemicals, which was treated and preserved will have a relevant active ingredients and as such will not be recommended therapy. He recently began appearing on new varieties of cauliflower with a somewhat strange appearance - decorative plant rather than the food. Orange cauliflower, for example, is grown mainly in Canada and most recently was brought to US. It is edible as possible and, moreover, is 24 times richer in vitamin A than white cauliflower. Cauliflower purple or violet shades is also edible and rich in anti-oxidants, as a variety brought from Asia.

Diseases prevented by cauliflower

Cancerous disease - cauliflower, with cabbage, red cabbage and broccoli, is part of the so-called  Brassica family, named for a flower with four petals, arranged in a cross. Consumed steadily and long term, these  Brassica vegetables are a phenomenon in fighting cancer. Statistical studies, laboratory studies - all look the same: people who frequently eat  Brassica vegetables have a good chance, very large, to be free from cancer. This is because the cauliflower and his sisters are a real store of vitamins, enzymes, minerals and other substances with anti-oxidant, cytotoxic or immune system stimulant. Some cancers are preventable by eating cauliflower, mention breast cancer, colon, ovarian, prostate, lung.

Bladder cancer - are diagnosed worldwide each year, on average, every 350,000 new cases of cancer in this location, which affects three times more men than women. According to medical research at the University of Texas, who studied 697 cases of bladder cancer, along with 708 cases of healthy individuals of the same age group and the same race, consumption of  Brassica vegetables, cauliflower ie, broccoli and cabbage, strongly reduces the incidence of this disease. In people who eat several times a week boiled or raw cauliflower (and other related vegetables), bladder cancer incidence is 29% lower.

Colon and rectum cancer - a giant study, done in the Netherlands, data were collected on vulnerability to bowel cancer, in relation to food habits, from a hundred thousand people over a period of time six years. According to the final report of the study, published in 2000, people who drink raw vegetables are registered with 25% fewer cases of cancer in this location. Well, with predilection vegetarians who eat  Brassica vegetables, specifically broccoli, cabbage and broccoli, the incidence of colon and rectum cancer is 49% lower, being almost twice as protected from this terrible disease.

Cardiac ischemia and myocardial infarction - broccoli contains a substance called allicin, present in onions or garlic, which prevents blood clots, prevent oxidation of cholesterol in the arteries and lowers blood pressure. Therefore, regular consumption of broccoli lowers the risk of ischemic heart disease and falls, is also the risk of stroke.

Rheumatoid Arthritis - HOT rheumatic joints and immobilizes us make painful, can be kept away by the daily consumption of cauliflower, cooked or raw, which is very rich in vitamin C. This vitamin is considered among the most powerful agents to prevent rheumatic disease. A study of a large number of people (over 20,000 subjects) show that a supplementation of vitamin C in the diet will lead to a reduction of over 40% of rheumatic frequency bursts. A serving of cooked broccoli (ie 300 grams) consumed daily cover at a rate of 130% daily vitamin C.

Internal Treatments

Cauliflower, especially the raw, contains certain enzymes with very complicated names ( glutathione transfer, glucuronosyl transferase, etc..) With a rare property: quickly detoxify the body. As such, this vegetable has a very wide field of medical applications, of which we will detail only the most important:

Increased cholesterol and triglycerides -researchers at the Medical University of Hawaii, United States, have shown that some compounds in cauliflower prevents low density cholesterol transport (dangerous form of cholesterol) and blood vessels to the tissues.
It also prevents plaque formation and sclerosis of arteries. You should eat boiled cauliflower or as a salad, 300 grams each day for three days a week.

Obesity, overweight - cauliflower is relatively low in calories, high in indigestible dietary fiber, vitamins, potassium and other minerals needed in the diet. As such, cauliflower raw or cooked, without being combined with fat or protein, is an excellent food in overweight regimes. Drink 2-3 times a week, 200-300 grams of cauliflower. It is a food that gives a lasting feeling of fullness, which has strong detoxifying effects and is indicated for mild diets, kept rigorously and long term, ie for only diets that really give results.

Breast cancer - a substance recently discovered in cauliflower (indole-3-carbinol) has extremely powerful effects against breast cancer. This rule regulates the secretion of female hormones active in the body and thus prevent chain imbalances that lead to mammary tumor formation. Another substance in broccoli, sulforaphane, slows or stops the proliferation of malignant cells in breast tumors have formed. You should eat cauliflower cooked or raw, at least five times a week. If needed, can be replaced with cabbage or broccoli that have similar therapeutic effects.

Prostate cancer - a cure for prostate cancer is unique ... cauliflower cooked and seasoned then safflower (also called turmeric - Curcuma longa). A study in South-East Asia where the disease rate is 6 times lower than in Europe or America, showed that men who frequently eat this dish (traditionally in India) are almost immune to prostate cancer. Moreover, in experimental animals who were given antioxidant active ingredients of cauliflower and the safflower was observed slowdown or halt proliferation of the tumors in the prostate.

Menopause - preliminary studies show that consumption of vegetables a week, that is, cauliflower, cabbage, red cabbage (200 g per day for at least 4 times a week), enhances the secretion of the hormone estrogen and, importantly, these hormones regulate receptor response the body. The result is installing late menopause, early alleviate its symptoms (hot flashes, sweating, nervousness, etc..), Prevent and combat menopausal conditions such as osteoporosis, uterine prolapse, ovarian and uterine.

Menopause - preliminary studies show that consumption of crucifers vegetables a week, that is, cauliflower, cabbage, red cabbage (200 g per day for at least 4 times a week), enhances the secretion of the hormone estrogen and, importantly, these hormones regulate receptor response the body. The result is installing late menopause, early alleviate its symptoms (hot flashes, sweating, nervousness, etc..), Prevent and combat menopausal conditions such as osteoporosis, uterine prolapse, ovarian and uterine.

Fragile bones - almost half the daily requirement of vitamin K, essential for maintaining bone health, we find in a serving of 300 grams of cooked or raw cauliflower. Moreover, it regulates the hormonal activity, helping to stop processes dezasimilatie blocking calcium from bones and osteoporosis.

Adjuvant Hepatitis A, B, C - a substance by broccoli, sulforaphane, strongly stimulates the body to produce enzymes that play the role of detoxifying the liver. Also, consumption of cabbage was found to prevent cell destruction processes in the liver under the action of the chemical or infectious factors. To obtain these results should eat boiled cauliflower or as a salad, for at least 3 times a week.

Constipation - so-called cauliflower contains soluble fiber, meaning indigestible substances that mix well with waste materials from the gut, pushing it out like a piston. Moreover, pickled cauliflower contains microorganisms that help balance intestinal flora and by this means combating the constipation.

Adjuvant in asthma - because it contains vitamin C, but also with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant substances, cauliflower is a good help for people with asthma. It reduces the intensity and frequency of seizures, prevents pathological changes in the bronchial tree. In difficult times, such as pollination or intense mental stress is related to cure for cauliflower, which is time consuming, even four times a week, this vegetable.

Respiratory infections - cauliflower, even cooked, is rich in vitamin C than oranges, have fewer calories and more antioxidant substances, contains magnesium, potassium, calcium. All these features an especially recommended as a remedy for strengthening immunity. Administer fresh as salad, each 300-400 grams per day in patients with respiratory infections, to support and speed up the healing process. In people taking antibiotics synthesis, is recommended and cauliflower or cabbage, to restore the digestive flora and to counteract the immune-suppressant drugs such.

Pregnancy - folic acid (vitamin B9) and vitamin C, contained an abundance of cauliflower, are essential for fetus, in its first months of training. Furthermore, this food helps to strengthen immunity and maintain healthy pregnant woman, is among the few "drugs" allowed during pregnancy. As such, 2-3 servings of broccoli per week are welcome, during pregnancy, especially during the first trimester.


All studies performed so far show that adverse effects from treatment with cauliflower are very rare and low in intensity and often pertain to digestive disorders: bloating, mild abdominal cramps, in very rare cases, diarrhea. For those with sensitive digestive systems recommends eating cauliflower spices such as cumin, anise, fennel, which are a real antidote to such problems.