Friday, November 2, 2012


It is ugly, unsightly and his present on the face taunting teens. But not only they are facing much hated acne. Quite many adults complain of its presence in different stages of life.

Learn more about her and you will be able to effectively combat it

How many types is acne? Acne is of 4 types: severe acne, rosacea, acne juvenile and acne vulgaris.

Severe acne involve: extensive damage a large area of skin, scars appeared quickly, lesions that do not respond to treatment. The necessary steps forward in the treatment of severe acne are: reducing sebum, administration of medicines called isotretinoin, antibiotics and more effective treatment of scars.
Rosacea acne requires redness, red spots, red lines (telangiectasia), nodules in the nose, dry skin, burning sensation (the eyes).
Rosacea can be kept under control by eliminating the determining factors (stress, peppered foods, alcohol, coffee, extremes of temperature as cold, hot weather, hot baths, exercise) that produce increased blood flow and cause blood vessels to dilate automatically. Usually occurs in adults, over 40 years.
Juvenile acne is a condition "of youth" that his "snarling" at the age of 12-14 years, during puberty and disappears suddenly, usually around the age of 19-20 years. Occurrence of juvenile acne involves skin lesions, which is characterized by purulent inflammation of the sebaceous follicle, sebaceous secretion maintained and increased in this period.
Acne vulgaris occurs mostly around the age of 12-14 years. Her appearance is blame of obstruction of pores on the face, because the serum hormone increases, causing the secretion of sebum.

What treatment is effective against acne

Doctors recommend traditional medication, mainly based on isotretinoin and antibiotics. Many prescribe pills that treat what causes acne triggers such as ovarian cysts.
Izotretinol based drugs such as Sotret, Roaccutane, Smooderm, Retin-A, Isotrexin-Gel, Skinoren, or Brevoxyl containing azelaic acid, benzoyl peroxide base (4%), effectively fight acne, but is vital to know before any treatment is the type of acne you are fighting.
Herbal medication is among those products that disinfect affected portions, such as Active, solution-based wheat bran, Cicatrizin, comfrey ointment base, hay, chamomile and calendula, creams and lotions based on insect-T Arnicol based on propolis, arnica and willow.

The blueberry plant

The blueberry leaves contain 10% tannins, arbutozid small amounts of acid, chemical, myristic and palmitic ericolina, flavone derivatives, triterpene acids, tiarnină, minerals. Blueberry fruits contain 5-10% tannins such lectures, about 30% invert sugar. The main active components of bilberry fruit are anthocyanins, pigments dyes glycosidic nature, including the most representative are delfmidina, cianidina, petumidina and malvidina, various sugars and glycosides with a total of 15 other compounds. In addition to tannins and leucoantociani catechica nature, flavonoids, sugars, pecline, and organic acids (succinic, malic, citric, chemical), bilberry fruits contain minerals: potassium 50 mg%, calcium 10 mg%, phosphorus ing 8%, 8 mg% sulfur, manganese 6 mg%, chloride 5 mg%, 3 mg% manganese, iron 1 mg%.


Antocianosides, phytocompound main components of blueberries, sunl active faction of Tnicrocirculatiei ftmcţionări good. Adniinistrarea Oraios about cranberry preparations based functionality regulates blood microcirculation and rhythmic contraction of smooth muscles that control the flow of arterioles traversing Diter hematic citeulalotii areas.
They obtained good results in diabetic retinopathy sufferers because there was a request to reduce collagen synthesis in the retina and improvement of clinical symptoms. Another favorable action of cranberry is recorded in clinical venous insufficiency. Demonstrated action on edema, especially periomalcolare, catizate an abnormal capillary permeability.
Management products from local microcirculation reactivation produces blueberries, improving and venous flow, facilitating the removal of interstitial fluid and reducing edema. Have application in the treatment of chronic venous insufficiency and complications that occur: varicose veins, varicoflebite, tromboflobite, edema periomaleolare and sions.

Among the important actions of the cranberry is the intestinal antiseptic and astringent. One of the components of cranberry phytocomplex act as "antidote" of adezins, a protein that allows pathogenic bacteria Bscherichia coli adhere to cells lining the gut and cause infection process. For the same reason, based on blueberry extracts are useful in the treatment of cystitis and pielocistites recurrent. Assuming accession Escherechici walls coli urinary tract (cystitis is more common in women) in this type of infection is achieved remarkable improvements.
The use of bilberry leaves treat diarrhea is justified by the presence of tannins.
Antidiabetic action leaves fiavonics sc derivatives based on that .. associated with fruit anthocyanins, favors vascularization pancreas. lnsulina is attached to the cell surface proteins, so that the cell membrane plays an important role in diabetes. Vascular disorders develop during the disease (diabetic angiopathy), causing thickening of basal membranes and on-note small vessels, causing increased permeability and disturbed metabolism. Given the chemical composition of leaves and fruits of bilberry and pharmacodynamic action set, is considered justified their use of type II diabetes.


The leaves are astringent, favorable changes pathogenic intestinal flora, have
hypoglycemic action (reduce amount of sugar in blood and urine). Included in the composition of the tea for diabetics.
Fruits, due to anthocyanins, have protective actions vasculitis, especially retidiană, favoring visual acuity and eye adaptation to darkness.

Preparation and administration

Leaves infusion as 1-2 teaspoons in a cup of water, drink 2-3 cups per day. Fruit eaten fresh or frozen, 200 g per day, dry 50-100 g per day, in the form of syrup 50 g twice daily, 100 g fruit decoction II water. Drink the entire amount during the day. Dc as blueberries, in moderation, for those whose alcohol allowed.

-in chronic constipation.

Tips for young moms

Babies cry in the uterus

New research has shown that babies can learn to express dissatisfaction with a crying quietly, while still in their mothers womb, around the the 28th week of pregnancy. Ultrasound videos of performances, during the third trimester of pregnancy, showed how a fetus may startle response to a noise that audede mother's belly.

Furthermore, the images showed that, when you have noise, show a similar behavior of crying. Researchers believe that crying baby in the womb is unknown fifth category of behavior that you have a baby unborn. The first four were found to be: quiet sleep, active state, waking state in peace and active waking state. All are experienced by all fetuses since the time that is in their mothers womb.

Nothing is more healthy food than breast milk for a baby?

A new mother has to take into account a few simple principles to ensure adequate infant nutrition. First, she must know that no food can compare to breast milk. Then, it is important to note that solid food will be based on developmental milestones achieved by the child. All the scientists, doctors and nutritionists agree that breast milk is the healthiest food for babies.

Sleep easy and how much can

You're pregnant and you're probably wondering why you feel so tired and you want to sleep in one. Nothing abnormal. Normal intrauterine development of your child means your body a huge energy consumption. During pregnancy, your heart works four or five times more than usual to ensure adequate blood flow for both your body and for the child.

Avoid tough sports

Even if you're a sports nature, you should resign during the nine months of pregnancy with less demanding activities, more sedentary. Skiing, snowbording, cycling, tennis, etc., even if your favorite sports, should be abandoned for a while. These are the kind of sports that falls are common, so there is a high risk for miscarriage.

Nausea of pregnancy

It is very likely that nausea of pregnancy do not have a very violent event, in some cases. But when they are present, and if you go on a trip, delegation or leave and feel more intense nausea, you should know that this can happen especially if you come to a place situated at high altitude or if air temperature is higher. Do not worry, the situation returns to normal within a few days as your body begins to adapt to the new environment.

Vaccines during pregnancy

It can happen that during pregnancy destined to travel to exotic. Being pregnant, should go before a trip to check also chosen area or not epidemiologically dangerous. Even if there are no clear, most experts believe that pregnant women should not to risk his petimpul vacineze pregnancy.

Sleeping on back

Especially in last trimester of pregnancy, sleep is a real luxury for most pregnant women. But you must be careful to position you find comfortable to sleep. Experts believe that in the last months of pregnancy should not sleep or sit for too long of time lying on her back. The explanation, say doctors, is that the weight of your uterus pressing on the the vein cavas, which is the largest vein in the body, which returns blood from the uterus to the heart and extremities. The compression of its blood pressure updates. Such oscillations can occur in blood pressure, this is not welcome.


Lack of sleep is one of the problems faced by all new mothers, is inevitable, but there is a danger that fatigue stop you you can handle the new baby in May. Fatigue tends to peak at two to four days after returning from the hospital. If you passed this time, not get too excited because there is a difficult threshold to 8-10 weeks after birth, when lack of sleep begins to tune, even though you are going to loss of lactation.

Color newborn room in blue and yellow

Researchers found that babies feel more comfortable in areas dominated by blue and yellow, which is much more relaxing and soothing for the new family member.

Ask your doctor complete information

Sometimes emergency situations arise that can not afford to them about your baby's doctor, was forced to go to an emergency service. In such cases, ask the doctor to see your child all the details related to the disease, appropriate treatment and eventual hospitalization. Do not forget to write the name or behalf.

A healthy home for your baby

Babies are especially prone to infection, bacteria and disease, especially during the first months of life. So:
remove pollutants: smoke, pet access to the bedroom, remove as often as possible in house dust;
Ensure good ventilation through a proper ventilation system, there are more ways to improve air quality in your home. For example, you can use an air purification device.
keep a low humidity in the home, molds, bacteria and viruses grow better in wet conditions.
Vacuum often as possible (at least once a week), replace the vacuum inside the bag more often to have a better suction power, frequently wash floors, ceramic tiles in the house.

Baby nutrition

Baby food does not constitutes a problem when healthy mother after a normal birth is breast feeding a healthy baby.

This becomes problematic when feeding mother is not healthy, no milk or if, because of their unhealthy blood, give with milk, beginning to charge foreign substances and threatening to put the baby at birth. But many mothers breastfeeding their child? How many mothers 'healthy' exist in our society?

Undeniable is that breast milk is ideal food of an infant up to six months. Unfortunately, fewer and fewer nursing mothers. The reasons are various: no milk, no time for that has to work or for convenience, so use the bottle to feed her child.

In cases where it is about poverty, babies do not cry of hunger, but because of an overloaded stomach. How is it possible?? Breastfed babies stop eating and sleep alone on mother's breast when they are sick. But bottle-fed infants fed than normal hunger and painful gas occur making the child cry. one serious mistake is to use a bottle with the hole too large, making the baby to swallow in 10 minutes the amount that normally swallow in 20 to 30 minutes. Most mothers are happy but they manage to indoape child without thinking about the undesirable effects that occur later.

Sour milk is a very good substitute for breast milk or other dairy unsupported child, which can add fresh fruit or vegetable juice, but without added sugar. You can still add a little bit of honey.
A problem is that some sites encourage doctors and infant feeding bottle.

Sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds are a source of Vitamin E, B1, B5, magnesium, selenium andphosphorus. For their immediate effect, American specialists consider them a truefountain of health. 
  Vitamin E content is an antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals in the body, improves vision and plays an important role in reducing symptoms associated with arthritis and asthma.
Selenium is vital tasty seeds taken from a healthy body. Help to regenerate cells, activation of thyroid hormones and maintains the elasticity of tissues. Neutralize carcinogens and effect and contributes to heart muscle regeneration. Therefore, foods rich in selenium are recommended in preventing and treating cardiovascular disease and aging.
Small sunflower seeds are a reliable source of magnesium, which is to normalize blood pressure and reduce the risk of stroke. Effectively combat stress and annoying headaches.
Sunflower diet has beneficial effects on cholesterol decrease. In addition, U.S. experts recommend replacing certain treatments for heart disease with sunflower seeds.

How do we consume them

Add some ​​fresh seeds in the sliced bread and leave it a few minutes in the oven. Can successfully replace ordinary bread at every meal.
If you follow a diet, you can add in cereal seeds and eat them with milk or yogurt for lunch the morning.
Also, sunflower seeds can be added to salads. Will provide a pleasant and successful replace drop of oil you add.

You can prepare and pancakes with sunflower seeds, sponge cake or favorite holiday children.
Pleasant taste and nutrients beneficial to the body recommend sunflower seeds for daily consumption, either fresh or added to cakes or food.

Apple cider vinegar

Proper development of biological processes in the body requires that the pH - the acidity of the body's internal environment - to be near 7.4. If this indicator deviates in one way or another, over 7.8 or below 6.8, cells can no longer perform normal activity and is the state of coma and even death. An important role in maintaining this balance can have apple cider vinegar. If it I also add honey, get a real health cocktail.

Apple cider and honey vinegar provide general health maintenance, being considered both by specialists, as well as by consumers an "elixir of long life". Who brought fame apple vinegar with honey was DC Jarvis, a country doctor in the U.S. state of Vermont. Observing great longevity of people in that community, he sought to find out which is due to this fact. The conclusion was that the vitality of the farmers was the result of a diet that contained less meat and eggs but many vegetables and fruits, plus consumption of honey and apple cider vinegar - they drank daily at least a glass of water with read description add 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and 2 teaspoons of honey.

Apple cider vinegar with honey is prepared as follows: First obtain apple juice (preferably from crab apples) with electric juicer or press. Grated apples can give, then squeeze. Put juice, then fermented in open jars, adding the 15 percent honey and 1 percent yeast. Let ferment until for 3 or 4 weeks. Store in dark bottles, well sealed, cool and dark.
One of the first benefits of the diet with apple cider vinegar and honey that has the ability to quickly restore the body reserves of minerals, it contains all elements of apple and honey.

The therapeutic action of apple vinegar with honey includes calming, antitoxic, diuretic, antiseptic intestinal and kidney, cholesterol lowering. As such, is indicated in poisoning, indigestion, kidney stones oxalate and phosphate, pyelitis, cystitis, neurosis, migraines, chronic fatigue, muscle pain, thyroid insufficiency, obesity, hypercorticism, hypercholesterolemia, neuralgia, sterility, and if alcohol poisoning and tobacco.

But the main advantage of this vinegar is that it can contribute decisively to maintaining a good acid-base balance of body, broken balance of many factors that are impossible to avoid, including toxins and stress. Drunk in doses of 1-2 tablespoons per day, morning, diluted in about 100 ml of medicinal tea or water. Drink with rare sips. Duration of course is 1-2 months. Treatment may be resumed after a break of about a month.

Medical research shows that nutrients in the vinegar and honey improve white blood cell activity, helping to prevent disease by destroying viruses and bacteria. There is some research that revealed that apple cider vinegar and honey may even help stop cancer effect.

With all that has so many benefits, apple cider vinegar cure has contraindications, which must necessarily be taken into account. Thus, there are no belts in case of uric kidney stones, gout, gastric acidity, gastritis hyperacid peptic ulcer, fever, muscle, low blood pressure, hyperthyroidism and adrenal insufficiency.

Pineapple get rid of some weight

Whether you do your personal, to protect our health, or just because of social pressure each of us at some point feel the need to drop a few pounds of unwanted fat away. There are a fruit that can help us get rid of the unwanted surplus in a short and easy. Speak pineapple fruit with a honey color, who you're tempted to see how you enjoy it.
A regular cup we can add pieces of pineapple contains only about 75 calories, but the point is that this fruit contains substances that give us the essential elements to not feel hunger as acute as usual.
It is therefore an important element in terms of weight loss. It helps to replace a meal and then some without being hungry and rob the fridge at midnight.

But fruit has some qualities that make them worth the natural product:

- Has diuretic action, eliminating substances that are still well above the required amount;
- Reduces the unwanted effects of cellulite;
- Help speed the healing process for burns and open wounds;
- Anti-inflammatory effect;
- Moisturizes the skin, so you can use the mask in place;
- It contains antioxidants prevent aging;
- Immune system is strengthened;
- Stimulates fat burning;
- Clean the airways.

Consumption of fresh pineapple or juice from it is recommended because it will set in motion important functions that help in toning the skin, but also the body maintain a continuous balance.
Do not be afraid to look or when you go shopping, it is easy to clean even if you think that is wrapped in a shell as strong as wood. Peel with a knife can be removed in minutes.
Pineapple originated in Brazil and can reach even weigh 5 kg. For Spanish it is hospitality. Pineapple shell resin can cause skin irritation and itching, so farmers planted the fruit around the house to make it difficult on the thieves.

Whether we like or do not have to respect the property and we place them in our menu so that instead of a handful of drugs are more tasty slices of pineapple.


Although there are voices trying to maize near tobacco in terms of impact on health body still should be noted that maize is consumed for centuries throughout the world with the best results of human health and without the effect considerable influence weight gain.

Corn is not a food rich in vitamins especially being able to give us only vitamin A, potassium, dietary fiber, vegetable protein and some fat and sugar, but in tiny amounts.

Corn worth making any diet is introduced but made ​​special contribution of immune and digestive system health. Not only protect us against digestive eating corn, but can even increase the body's defense capacity and improve blood sugar levels through moderate consumption of corn-based products.

Corn in diets is strongly recommended as a substitute for bread because no one can say that you gain weight due to excess polenta or health imbalances can reach in this case. Which can damage the excess salt or fat combined with polenta can indeed significantly increase the number of calories daily. No corn so beware if you like the food and try to drink it in a larger variety looking for those recipes that will satisfy the taste of home cooking and simmering who you think deserves inserted into your daily diet.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The importance of sleep in the psychological development of children

Many parents worry about the child's sleep schedule and not talking here of sleep at day, but I mean that the rest the body, namely sleep more at night. We'll talk about this article and physiological aspects, but we insist on the psychological effects of sleep.
In the stages of child development is a time when he should have his room, his personal space more precisely, from this point of view there are difficulties because many parents take their children and their bed room and then it is very difficult to separate the little ones.
In practice I have seen many cases even families with two children, parents were sleeping with little ones , even intermediaries between mother and father.
Sure I do not mean a precarious financial situation in which there is no way a personal space for children, but
even so, we try to create a separate crib for the baby, despite sleeping in the same room with mom and dad.

Remember that the baby is a person who communicates. It is to make ourselves understood, to verbalize and to offer so much affection that they need to grow and develop optimally balanced.

Children are very easy to take care of their mother permanently, it has been normal, but if the child is 6-7 years and turns early, and at night if he sleeps with his mother crying, then we are dealing with a problem . Most often invoke fear of the dark, fear of a pati, but they actually are irrational fears. If the child and explain what happens, perhaps we can leave a night light in the nursery or door open, then the child will understand the situation and it can cause at least to try, visiting characters from his life, like cartoons, or movies / stories that will help and encourage him. Often, problems do not belong to little children but, rather, parents who do not have the strength needed to break up the child, feeling guilty about it "abandoned" if it cries.

Remember that emotional blackmail arsenal is the main prerogative of children in these times. It is very important to be firm, to explain why it is important the child to sleep alone, tell her you love, that they are together and any time you have access to each other.
Certainly not discuss here the pathological cases or the child is sick. Furthermore, mothers must remember that in addition to being my mother and couple life, and this is important in order to create a harmonious and balanced development.

The fact that parents sleep in bed with children, there remains no trace. They are seen in child behavior is more timid, anxious, and assumes no responsibility, as they say in people, "obstetrician".
Therefore must be given an opportunity to grow, the reliance on time, get-everything, like a baby mother.
A special situation where we meet is the second child and he sleeps with his mother and eldest child sleeping alone. In this case requires a discussion with your son or daughter, so they understand what is happening. Coopted him great care in activities of the small, determined him to feel useful, appreciated, desired and loved by you.

Traditionally, many families with children sleeping in the same room or in bed, because of fear, the desire to protect their children or because it is more comfortable for the mind and soul. This however does not make us better or more responsible parents. The children must know that we are with them at any time, whether or not sleep in another room. It just makes them more responsible to create a personal space where you feel alive.

Kiwi - for the heart

Potassium prevents cardiovascular disease Kiwi has more vitamin C than an orange. But did you know that has a high content of potassium? Therefore, kiwi helps maintain a healthy heart.

Refreshing and full of vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber, kiwi fruit ideal for keeping in shape. One kiwi provides us with a daily dose of vitamin C (80 mg). In addition to vitamin C, kiwi provide a good deal of vitamin E (3 mg/100 g), provitamin A (0.05 mg/100 g) and group B vitamins, which play an important role in the immune system. However only 50 calories a price.

Kiwi is also a good source of energy because it contains carbohydrates (10 g/100 g). Carbohydrates in Kiwi are easily assimilated sugars, especially fructose and glucose. With the agreement of nutritionist and the diabetes can eat kiwi.

Natural antihypertensive. A study at the University of Oslo showed that due to high potassium content, kiwi is a good remedy for the cardiovascular diseases. 100 grams fruit we provide 300 milligrams of potassium, which acts to regulate blood pressure. Therefore, the kiwi is recommended for high ride a high consumption of salt. The researchers also found that these exotic fruits have a protective effect against cardiovascular disease by reducing blood cholesterol content. Kiwi plates to deposit fat on artery walls, thus preventing atherosclerosis. Norwegian researchers say that two to three kiwifruit a day can burn the fat that blocks arteries, thus decreasing the formation of thrombosis (obstruction of a blood vessel by a clot). Because anticoagulant properties, these fruits can replace aspirin, recommended to increase vasodilatation in some cardiovascular diseases, say researchers at Oslo. Other natural sources of potassium include bananas (400 mg potasiu/100 g), lettuce (360 mg potassium), fungi (320 mg), potatoes (320 mg), apricots (270 mg), apples (150 mg), pears (150 mg).

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Poisson : une source d'Omégas 3… et de polluants

Les poissons sont une source importante d'Oméga 3, bien connus pour leur rôle dans la prévention cardiovasculaire. Mais ces aliments peuvent aussi contenir certains toxiques, comme le méthylmercure ou les dioxines. Mais alors combien doit-on en consommer ? Deux fois par semaine selon les autorités sanitaires.
Des Oméga 3 indispensables dans le poisson…
  • L'acide alpha-linolénique (ALA), qui se trouve dans certains aliments végétaux (noix, huile de colza, graines de lin…).
  • L'acide eicosapentaénoïque (EPA) et l'acide docosahexaénoïque (DHA), présents principalement dans les poissons.
Les poissons riches en Oméga 3 réduisent le risque cardiovasculaire
Composant essentiels des membranes de nos cellules, les Oméga 3 ont de nombreuses vertus. La plus connue est sans nul doute son action de prévention cardiovasculaire. C'est même la proportion de maladies du coeur dans des populations plus ou moins consommatrices de poissons qui a permis de souligner leur rôle. Selon une compilation d'études sur le sujet1, la consommation de poisson à raison d'une fois par semaine réduirait de 15 % la mortalité coronarienne (par crise cardiaque). Chaque portion supplémentaire de 20 g de poisson par jour réduirait encore ce risque de 7 % ! Les cardiologues prescrivent d'ailleurs volontiers un médicament à base d'huiles de poissons aux personnes ayant déjà présenté un infarctus(on parle alors de "prévention secondaire").
Gare aux polluants dans les poissons et les fruits de mer !

  • Les éléments traces métalliques, aussi appelés métaux lourds
  • Les polluants organiques persistants, POP
  • Les poissons prédateurs (qui mangent d'autres plus petits poissons) : espadon, empereur, thon…En bout de chaîne alimentaire, ils ont plus de "chance" d'accumuler des contaminants.
  • Les poissons gras, saumon, sardine, maquereau… qui peuvent concentrer les POP, puisque ces composés sont lipophiles (ils se lient aux graisses).
  • Du poisson 2 fois par semaine, une fois du gras (saumon, sardine, maquereau, hareng…), et une fois du maigre (colin, cabillaud, merlan, sole…) ;
  • Varier les espèces et les provenances (lieu de pêche ou de production, sauvages, d'élevage) ;
  • Les femmes enceintes ou qui allaitent, les enfants de moins de 3 ans (dont l'organisme est particulièrement fragile), doivent éviter : anguille, barbeau, brème, carpe, espadon, lamproie, marlin, requin, siki (saumonette), silure.
Au-delà du poisson, il y a d'autres sources d'Oméga 3

Trois acides gras de la famille des Oméga 3 sont considérés comme indispensables à l'organisme :

On peut fabriquer de l'EPA et du DHA à partir de l'ALA, mais en quantité insuffisante pour couvrir nos besoins. Il est ainsi recommandé de consommer de l'EPA et du DHA, notamment en mangeant du poisson, et plus particulièrement des poissons gras qui en contiennent environ 10 fois plus que les poissons maigres (blancs).
Consommation poisson
Autre observation au niveau des populations : les plus grosses mangeuses de poisson, souffrent moins de dépression. Là encore, les Oméga 3 jouent probablement un rôle. Très concentrés dans les neurones et les fibres optiques, on sait qu'ils sont indispensables au bon développement du système nerveux et de la rétine du foetus et du jeune enfant.
A mesure que l'on identifie tous les bienfaits des Oméga 3, les apports conseillés français ont été revus à la hausse2 en 2010 : 2 à 2,5 g d'ALA, 250 mg d'EPA et 250 mg de DHA par jour.
A l'inverse, les poissons peuvent être contaminés par de nombreux polluants, dangereux pour la santé humaine, en provenance pour la plupart d'activités industrielles ou agricoles. Si certains de ces composés sont désormais interdits, ils demeurent toutefois présents dans l'atmosphère, les sols, ou l'eau (fleuves ou océans). On distingue deux grandes catégories :

Parmi eux, le mercure, qu'on ingère essentiellement sous forme de méthylmercure (dans les poissons et les fruits de mer). Ce composé est toxique pour le système nerveux, en particulier pour le foetus et le jeune enfant. En revanche, une étude toute récente menée aux Etats-Unis sur deux grandes cohortes, semble indiquer qu'une consommation moyenne de mercure (sous forme de poissons) n'augmenterait pas le risque cardiovasculaire3. Autres éléments susceptibles de se concentrer dans le poisson : le cadmium, le plomb, l'arsenic, et les organo-étains, suspectés d'être cancérigènes, d'affecter la reproduction, ou le développement du foetus.

Les plus connus sont les dioxines et les PCB (poly-chloro-biphényls). Présentant une toxicité pour le génome, ils peuvent être cancérigènes. Ils sont également dangereux pour l'embryon et sont qualifiés de perturbateurs endocriniens (du système hormonal). Comme pour le mercure, le risque d'absorption est lié à l'ingestion de poissons et de fruits de mer.
Les poissons les plus à risque d'être pollués sont :

Du poisson 2 fois par semaine, ni plus, ni moins !
En analysant les risques et les bénéfices liés à la consommation de poissons, l'Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire alimentation environnement travail (Anses) recommande, depuis quelques mois4, d'en consommer deux fois par semaine.
Menée de 2003 à 2006, l'étude Calypso a été menée dans 4 zones côtières : Le Havre, Lorient, La Rochelle, et Toulon. Sans être dans des zones particulièrement pollués (les poissons se situaient en-dessous des valeurs maximales réglementaires), ces habitants présentaient des doses de contaminants légèrement supérieures aux seuils limites du fait de leurs habitudes alimentaires (soit une consommation moyenne de poisson de 635 g par semaine, équivalente à environ 4 portions hebdomadaires)5. De nouveaux travaux en cours encouragent l'Anses et ses toxicologues à la prudence, d'autant plus que les doses hebdomadaires tolérables pour les différents polluants pourraient être revues à la baisse. Pour le mercure, elle est ainsi passée de 3,3 mg par kilo de poids corporel en 1993, à seulement 1,6 mg en 2003.
Malgré les qualités nutritionnelles du poisson, les recommandations sont désormais les suivantes :

Au total, l'apport direct d'EPA et de DHA se trouvant ainsi limité, nous avons tout intérêt à consommer suffisamment d'ALA : compter 2 cuillères à soupe quotidiennes d'huile de noix ou de colza, ou de produits supplémentés en en Oméga 3. Sans oublier les noix, les graines de lin (grillées et parsemées sur une salade), la mâche, les épinards et le pourpier.
Les oeufs, le lait, ou la chair d'animaux, dont l'alimentation comporte suffisamment d'Oméga 3 (enrichie en graines de lin ou en luzerne) contiennent de petites proportions d'EPA et de DHA. Enfin, si l'on a recours à des compléments alimentaires à base d'huiles de poissons, il faut s'assurer de la qualité de leurs matières premières. Opter par exemple pour ceux qui respectent la norme Epax, garantie de niveaux de contaminants (mercure, dioxines, PCB) inférieurs aux normes autorisées en Europe, grâce à une technique spécifique de dépollution des huiles.


Watermelon cleanse and detoxify the body internally, helping to eliminate toxins from the liver, intestines protect thin and stimulate kidney activity.

The core juicy and delicious watermelon delight your taste buds in a way that even the most demanding and refreshing summer cocktail fails. And not only makes a food taste incredible, but refreshing and re-energizing effects it has on the body. Nutritionists recommend we eat watermelon with confidence because it is one of the most effective methods of hydration and body vitaminizare summer. More than 90% of the composition is water. The remaining natural sugars, enzymes, organic acids, sodium, potassium and iron and lycopene, a powerful antioxidant, specifically fruits and vegetables red core, which neutralizes free radicals while preventing cancer cells.

In addition, among the vitamins present in excess in red watermelon composition are vitamin A, with an important role in visual adaptation, vitamin B6, which helps form hemoglobin and improves the body's ability to defend against infection (stimulates the formation of antibodies) and vitamin C, extremely known for its effect to increase immunity. It is good to know that watermelon is among the lowest risk foods to cause allergies so do not hesitate to indulge the child with a delicious serving of watermelon soundly.

Favorite food list would be great if you enter and watermelon. 100 grams of watermelon contains only 30 calories and also watermelon clean and detoxify the body internally, helping to eliminate toxins from the liver, intestines protect thin and stimulate kidney activity. Due to its diuretic capabilities, watermelon diet is recommended in people with kidney stones or those suffering from gout. A strong and effective body moisturizer, watermelon is good and the adjustment of body hormonal activities.

Also, watermelon is one food listed in people suffering from heart, having in its composition a tiny amount of saturated fat. Cucurbocitrinul, a substance present in the composition of watermelon, stimulates capillary dilation and helps normalize blood pressure.