Friday, November 2, 2012

The blueberry plant

The blueberry leaves contain 10% tannins, arbutozid small amounts of acid, chemical, myristic and palmitic ericolina, flavone derivatives, triterpene acids, tiarnină, minerals. Blueberry fruits contain 5-10% tannins such lectures, about 30% invert sugar. The main active components of bilberry fruit are anthocyanins, pigments dyes glycosidic nature, including the most representative are delfmidina, cianidina, petumidina and malvidina, various sugars and glycosides with a total of 15 other compounds. In addition to tannins and leucoantociani catechica nature, flavonoids, sugars, pecline, and organic acids (succinic, malic, citric, chemical), bilberry fruits contain minerals: potassium 50 mg%, calcium 10 mg%, phosphorus ing 8%, 8 mg% sulfur, manganese 6 mg%, chloride 5 mg%, 3 mg% manganese, iron 1 mg%.


Antocianosides, phytocompound main components of blueberries, sunl active faction of Tnicrocirculatiei ftmcţionări good. Adniinistrarea Oraios about cranberry preparations based functionality regulates blood microcirculation and rhythmic contraction of smooth muscles that control the flow of arterioles traversing Diter hematic citeulalotii areas.
They obtained good results in diabetic retinopathy sufferers because there was a request to reduce collagen synthesis in the retina and improvement of clinical symptoms. Another favorable action of cranberry is recorded in clinical venous insufficiency. Demonstrated action on edema, especially periomalcolare, catizate an abnormal capillary permeability.
Management products from local microcirculation reactivation produces blueberries, improving and venous flow, facilitating the removal of interstitial fluid and reducing edema. Have application in the treatment of chronic venous insufficiency and complications that occur: varicose veins, varicoflebite, tromboflobite, edema periomaleolare and sions.

Among the important actions of the cranberry is the intestinal antiseptic and astringent. One of the components of cranberry phytocomplex act as "antidote" of adezins, a protein that allows pathogenic bacteria Bscherichia coli adhere to cells lining the gut and cause infection process. For the same reason, based on blueberry extracts are useful in the treatment of cystitis and pielocistites recurrent. Assuming accession Escherechici walls coli urinary tract (cystitis is more common in women) in this type of infection is achieved remarkable improvements.
The use of bilberry leaves treat diarrhea is justified by the presence of tannins.
Antidiabetic action leaves fiavonics sc derivatives based on that .. associated with fruit anthocyanins, favors vascularization pancreas. lnsulina is attached to the cell surface proteins, so that the cell membrane plays an important role in diabetes. Vascular disorders develop during the disease (diabetic angiopathy), causing thickening of basal membranes and on-note small vessels, causing increased permeability and disturbed metabolism. Given the chemical composition of leaves and fruits of bilberry and pharmacodynamic action set, is considered justified their use of type II diabetes.


The leaves are astringent, favorable changes pathogenic intestinal flora, have
hypoglycemic action (reduce amount of sugar in blood and urine). Included in the composition of the tea for diabetics.
Fruits, due to anthocyanins, have protective actions vasculitis, especially retidiană, favoring visual acuity and eye adaptation to darkness.

Preparation and administration

Leaves infusion as 1-2 teaspoons in a cup of water, drink 2-3 cups per day. Fruit eaten fresh or frozen, 200 g per day, dry 50-100 g per day, in the form of syrup 50 g twice daily, 100 g fruit decoction II water. Drink the entire amount during the day. Dc as blueberries, in moderation, for those whose alcohol allowed.

-in chronic constipation.

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