Friday, November 2, 2012

Apple cider vinegar

Proper development of biological processes in the body requires that the pH - the acidity of the body's internal environment - to be near 7.4. If this indicator deviates in one way or another, over 7.8 or below 6.8, cells can no longer perform normal activity and is the state of coma and even death. An important role in maintaining this balance can have apple cider vinegar. If it I also add honey, get a real health cocktail.

Apple cider and honey vinegar provide general health maintenance, being considered both by specialists, as well as by consumers an "elixir of long life". Who brought fame apple vinegar with honey was DC Jarvis, a country doctor in the U.S. state of Vermont. Observing great longevity of people in that community, he sought to find out which is due to this fact. The conclusion was that the vitality of the farmers was the result of a diet that contained less meat and eggs but many vegetables and fruits, plus consumption of honey and apple cider vinegar - they drank daily at least a glass of water with read description add 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and 2 teaspoons of honey.

Apple cider vinegar with honey is prepared as follows: First obtain apple juice (preferably from crab apples) with electric juicer or press. Grated apples can give, then squeeze. Put juice, then fermented in open jars, adding the 15 percent honey and 1 percent yeast. Let ferment until for 3 or 4 weeks. Store in dark bottles, well sealed, cool and dark.
One of the first benefits of the diet with apple cider vinegar and honey that has the ability to quickly restore the body reserves of minerals, it contains all elements of apple and honey.

The therapeutic action of apple vinegar with honey includes calming, antitoxic, diuretic, antiseptic intestinal and kidney, cholesterol lowering. As such, is indicated in poisoning, indigestion, kidney stones oxalate and phosphate, pyelitis, cystitis, neurosis, migraines, chronic fatigue, muscle pain, thyroid insufficiency, obesity, hypercorticism, hypercholesterolemia, neuralgia, sterility, and if alcohol poisoning and tobacco.

But the main advantage of this vinegar is that it can contribute decisively to maintaining a good acid-base balance of body, broken balance of many factors that are impossible to avoid, including toxins and stress. Drunk in doses of 1-2 tablespoons per day, morning, diluted in about 100 ml of medicinal tea or water. Drink with rare sips. Duration of course is 1-2 months. Treatment may be resumed after a break of about a month.

Medical research shows that nutrients in the vinegar and honey improve white blood cell activity, helping to prevent disease by destroying viruses and bacteria. There is some research that revealed that apple cider vinegar and honey may even help stop cancer effect.

With all that has so many benefits, apple cider vinegar cure has contraindications, which must necessarily be taken into account. Thus, there are no belts in case of uric kidney stones, gout, gastric acidity, gastritis hyperacid peptic ulcer, fever, muscle, low blood pressure, hyperthyroidism and adrenal insufficiency.

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