Friday, November 2, 2012


It is ugly, unsightly and his present on the face taunting teens. But not only they are facing much hated acne. Quite many adults complain of its presence in different stages of life.

Learn more about her and you will be able to effectively combat it

How many types is acne? Acne is of 4 types: severe acne, rosacea, acne juvenile and acne vulgaris.

Severe acne involve: extensive damage a large area of skin, scars appeared quickly, lesions that do not respond to treatment. The necessary steps forward in the treatment of severe acne are: reducing sebum, administration of medicines called isotretinoin, antibiotics and more effective treatment of scars.
Rosacea acne requires redness, red spots, red lines (telangiectasia), nodules in the nose, dry skin, burning sensation (the eyes).
Rosacea can be kept under control by eliminating the determining factors (stress, peppered foods, alcohol, coffee, extremes of temperature as cold, hot weather, hot baths, exercise) that produce increased blood flow and cause blood vessels to dilate automatically. Usually occurs in adults, over 40 years.
Juvenile acne is a condition "of youth" that his "snarling" at the age of 12-14 years, during puberty and disappears suddenly, usually around the age of 19-20 years. Occurrence of juvenile acne involves skin lesions, which is characterized by purulent inflammation of the sebaceous follicle, sebaceous secretion maintained and increased in this period.
Acne vulgaris occurs mostly around the age of 12-14 years. Her appearance is blame of obstruction of pores on the face, because the serum hormone increases, causing the secretion of sebum.

What treatment is effective against acne

Doctors recommend traditional medication, mainly based on isotretinoin and antibiotics. Many prescribe pills that treat what causes acne triggers such as ovarian cysts.
Izotretinol based drugs such as Sotret, Roaccutane, Smooderm, Retin-A, Isotrexin-Gel, Skinoren, or Brevoxyl containing azelaic acid, benzoyl peroxide base (4%), effectively fight acne, but is vital to know before any treatment is the type of acne you are fighting.
Herbal medication is among those products that disinfect affected portions, such as Active, solution-based wheat bran, Cicatrizin, comfrey ointment base, hay, chamomile and calendula, creams and lotions based on insect-T Arnicol based on propolis, arnica and willow.

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