Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The Truth About Aloe Vera Juice

What are the benefits of drinking aloe vera juice? If you do a Google search for ‘aloe vera juice’ you’ll quickly conclude that drinking aloe vera juice is the ultimate healthy habit, as it seemingly aids in weight loss, digestion, immune function, and even ‘easing general discomfort’. But when you look beyond the first 40+ search results (all of the sites that list the amazing benefits of aloe vera juice just before they sell you an ongoing monthly supply), it’s a different, more accurate story.
The Truth About Aloe Vera Juice

What is interesting about aloe vera juice is that despite the huge marketing push to educate people on its benefits, there is very little scientific data to support its use in humans. What’s more, some of the toxicity research done in animals is alarming.

Information regarding aloe vera’s use dates back nearly 5,000 years to early Egyptian times. It has since been used both topically and orally. Aloe vera gel, found when you break open the green leafy skin, is often used topically to treat burns, abrasions, psoriasis, and other skin conditions. Aloe vera juice, primarily produced from the green outer leaf, was used as a main component in many over-the-counter laxatives until 2002, when the FDA pulled them from drugstore shelves due to insufficient information regarding their safety.

Safety concerns about drinking aloe vera juice have continued to grow after the release of the findings from a two-year study by the National Toxicology Program. According to this study, when researchers gave rats whole-leave extract of aloe vera juice, there was “clear evidence of carcinogenic activity in male and female rats, based on tumors of the large intestine.”

But before you go telling people that aloe vera causes cancer, there are a couple things to consider:
1. This study was done in animals. We don’t know what would happen in humans, but these negative results should be enough to make you proceed with caution until more information is available.
2. Consider what kind of aloe vera was used in this study. The researchers used non-decolorized, whole-leaf aloe vera extract. The way aloe vera is processed can impact the different compounds found in the plant and thus the impact on your body. For example, when manufacturers decolorize aloe vera leaf (a process in which the aloe vera is passed through a charcoal filter), the components that give aloe vera its laxative properties, the anthraquinones, are removed. One specific anthraquinone called Aloin is thought to be the driving force behind tumor development in the animal study.

But it’s not all bad news for aloe vera juice. In a 2004 study from the U.K., researchers gave people with active ulcerative colitis, a type of inflammatory bowel disease, aloe vera gel to drink (remember that in the animal study, they used aloe vera juice, not gel). After four weeks of drinking aloe vera gel in water twice per day, there was a clinical response towards improvement and remission of ulcerative colitis, compared to those given plain water. No significant negative side effects were experienced due to drinking the aloe vera gel.

As you can see, the aloe vera story is not as clear cut as many drink labels want you to believe. My personal recommendation is that you should wait for more human research to show that aloe vera provides significant health benefits without negative side effects. If you do choose to drink aloe vera at this time, check with your doctor first, and then make sure that whatever product you use does not contain Aloin.

Smoothie for Weight Loss and Detox

The easiest and most delicious ways to clean your body and lose weight are fresh fruits and vegetable drinks. Particularly useful may be, if we add piece of ginger. From biblical times ginger is considered as a natural remedy and may help cleanse the body.
It also helps the body to better absorb nutrients and remove waste and toxins. Accumulation of waste products in the body is one of the reasons for overweight. In addition to meals, salads and salad dressings, fresh ginger can find place in delicious refreshments.
Smoothie for Weight Loss and Detox

To prepare the Smoothie for Weight Loss and Detox you will need the following.

- 1 banana, peeled and chopped
– 1/2″ piece of fresh ginger, peeled and grated
– 1/2 cup diced mango
– 1/4 cup fresh orange juice
– 1/4 cup water
– 3-4 ice cubes

The preparation is quite simple. Put all the ingredients in a blender, pour water and press the ON button. Blend until you get smoothie mixture and consume with ice.
This smoothie is great for cleansing and also for removing bad nutrients kept in the body for too long.
A glass of this smoothie has less than 200 calories!

Green Smoothie for Weight Loss

Green Smoothies are the gateway to weight-loss. Millions of people around the world lost their weight, fell better and move lighter when they have Green Smoothie incorporated in their diet.
Drinking a green smoothie every day increases the immune system of the body, it stabilizes the digestion and the chances of getting the feeling of “rocks in the stomach” are slim, literally.
Green Smoothie for Weight Loss

There are numerous recipes for a Green Smoothie, but the most default one is this:

- Take 1-2 bananas,
– 1 cup frozen mango,
– 1 cup frozen peaches
– Couple of spinach leaves (preferably a handful).

Put all the ingredients in a blender, pour water and press the ON button.
The preparation is quite simple, so it easily becomes the best breakfast you ever had. A Green Smoothie is excellent for all those who like to go out for a run, but fell little bit hungry than usual.
So, instead of eating big and ruin the run, they have one Green Smoothie, boost up their energy levels and hit the track. During the exercise, all the healthy nutrients from the smoothie are well “imprinted” in the system.
Because of its light content, there is no reason at all why you should enjoy a Green Smoothie in the evening. It won’t ask a lot of work from the body for processing.

Liver Cleanse Juice Recipe

When it comes to liver cleansing juices the proper time of the day to consume them is in the morning. Couple of minutes after getting out of bed, after bathroom routines, the next stop in the house should be the kitchen to prepare a liver cleansing juice.
A great liver cleansing juice comes with the following ingredients:

- 2 or 3 oranges
– 3 beet roots
– 2 carrots
Preparation is simple, you put all the ingredients in a blender, add some water (as much as you want) and blend it. Drink the juice on an empty stomach. The benefits will go straight to your system and start doing their magic.
Beets are the ones responsible when it comes to liver cleansing. They are very effective when it comes to fighting against food poisoning, committing, diarrhea and hepatitis.
Drinking fresh juices in the morning is “the perfect crime”. The body wakes up from a good night sleep and wants to be fed, logically. What a better way to freshen it up than with a liver cleansing juice like this. If you feel the need to visit the bathroom for No. 2, don’t be alarmed, that is the juice working its magic as it cleans the body of unwanted toxins.

Fantastic Juice To Boost Immunity Instantly

Raw food contains all the necessary ingredients for good health and vitality of the body. For most of the people the diet consist of fatty foods, often fried and sweet, and its poor in fruits, vegetables, grains and nuts.
That is why nutritionists are recommending that we should start the day with fresh squeezed juice from fruits, vegetables or a combination thereof.
Freshly squeezed juices have various effects on the body, apple helps in anemia, blueberry improves the vision, carrot is an excellent blood purifier and garlic has the ability to boost your immunity.
If you want to strengthen your immune system, prepare this simple and delicious drink.
  • 2  stalks of celery
  • 2 carrots1 apple
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1 cm of ginger root
  • 1/2 lemon (peeled)
Put all ingredients in a juicer.
It is the best to drink the juice immediately after the preparation, at room temperature, because if freshly squeezed juices stand for a while will come into contact with oxygen and will lose their healing properties.
The best time to drink the juice is 30 – 40 minutes before the meal.
- See more at: http://www.healthandhealthyliving.com/fantastic-juice-to-boost-immunity-instantly/#sthash.vkUivecn.dpuf

Happy Wife, Happy Life?

Most of us have heard the phrase, “Happy wife, happy life.” But is this more than just a convenient rhyme? A new study from Rutgers University in New Jersey says yes, as it found that the happier the wife is in a long-term marriage, the happier the husband, regardless of how he personally feels about the marriage.
“Older husbands and wives in better marriages are more satisfied with their lives,” says study co-author Vicki Freedman, a research professor at the University of Michigan Institute for Social Research. “But overall life satisfaction for an unhappily married man depends on how his wife describes their relationship. If she describes their marriage as higher quality, his life satisfaction is buoyed—even if he gives the marriage a less glowing assessment.”
Previous research demonstrates the health benefits of a happy marriage. For instance, a study published in June found that people in satisfying marriages or partnerships may have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease. Another study, published in 2013, suggested that marital happiness hinges on wives’ ability to keep calm following heated arguments.

In this latest study, published in the Journal of Marriage and Family, Dr. Deborah Carr, from Rutgers collaborated with Dr. Freedman to analyze data from the 2009 Disability and Use of Time daily diary supplement to the Panel Study of Income Dynamics to assess marital quality and happiness in older adults.
“I think it comes down to the fact that when a wife is satisfied with the marriage, she tends to do a lot more for her husband,” says Dr. Carr, “which has a positive effect on his life.” She adds that because men are typically less vocal about their relationships, “their level of marital unhappiness might not be translated to their wives.”
The study is among the first to examine the influence of his and her marriage appraisals on psychological well-being among older couples. According to the researchers, marital quality has far-reaching implications for the health and well-being of older adults.
“Marital quality is an important buffer against the health-depleting effects of later-life stressors such as caregiving, and a critical resource as couples manage difficult decisions regarding their care in later life,” says Dr. Carr.

‘Husband’s marital quality buoyed when wife reports a happy marriage’

To reach their conclusions, the team looked at data on 394 couples in which at least one of the spouses was 60 years of age or older. On average, the couples were married for 39 years.
Researchers assessed participants’ life satisfaction and feelings of happiness by asking them how happy they were overall, and how happy they felt while doing randomly selected activities. Marital quality was assessed by six questions, including asking how much they could open up to their spouse and how much their spouse made them feel tense. The husbands and wives also kept diaries about how happy they were in the previous 24 hours doing certain activities, such as shopping, doing chores and watching TV.
Overall, the participants had a high level of general life satisfaction, with an average score of 5 out of 6 points, and the husbands tended to rate their marriage slightly more positively than their wives did.
Dr. Carr says that being in a better-rated marriage “was linked to greater life satisfaction and happiness” for both spouses.
However, they also found that wives became less happy if their spouses became sick, but the husbands’ levels of happiness did not change or show the same outcome if their wives became ill. This is likely due to wives taking on the majority of the caregiving when a partner is sick, says Prof. Carr, who notes that is can be a stressful experience. “But often when a woman gets sick, it is not her husband she relies on but her daughter,” she adds.
Wives’ satisfaction is ultimately the most important predictor of satisfaction for both partners, says Dr. Carr — even more important than one’s own satisfaction:
For both husbands and wives, being in a better-rated marriage was linked to greater life satisfaction and happiness,” Carr said. “But wives’ assessments of the marriage are more important in some respects than their husbands’ reports.
The researchers believe this imbalance may reflect broad gendered patterns within marriage.
“Women typically provide more emotional and practical support to husbands than vice-versa,” explains Dr. Carr. “So even an unhappily married man may receive benefits from the marriage that enhance his overall well-being.”
Indeed, the significant burden of caregiving among adult women was recently highlighted in a study presented at the American Sociological Association’s annual meeting in August. According to the researchers, women suffer from more severe negative consequences linked to caregiving than men, which they warn could have “potentially intensifying effects on a series of gender inequalities pertaining to health and economic well-being.”

Monday, September 15, 2014

Vegetable Juicing Versus Fruit Juicing

These days, the new trend for weight loss and fitness is juicing. It simply means to turn solid fruits and vegetables into liquid. You can then either drink that juice or make energy cocktails and smoothies from it.
You can juice fresh produce in three ways: squeezing the fruits and vegetables manually, using a masticating juicer, or juice with a centrifugal juicer. Masticating juicers and manual squeezing will keep most of the fiber in your juice, but a centrifugal juicer will separate the fiber from the juice.

Importance of Fiber
Fiber is a necessary part of your diet to help avoid digestion or other problems. It helps in cleaning your colon of waste, lowers cholesterol, decreases fat absorption, helps in controlling the level of blood sugar, and through all this ultimately aids in weight loss.
Drinking juice without fiber may result in not getting the recommended amount of fiber in your daily intake, which is around 21-38 grams a day. Some fiber can be added back by including protein powder to your juice.
Caloric Differences
There is a lot of difference between the nutritional and caloric composition of fruits and vegetables. Before taking fruit juice, you’ll need to count the calories carefully. One fruit can contain around 60 calories and produces approximately 4 ounces juice. An average serving of juice is about 12-16 ounces, which would result in your consuming 180-200 calories by drinking just one glass of juice.
It would be better to go on a juicing diet using vegetables, and juicing fruits only occasionally. This is because one cup vegetables contain around 25 calories; therefore a serving of the same size will have just 75-100 calories, almost half compared to the calories in fruit juices. Fruit juice also has a high amount of simple carbohydrates, which results in quick absorption in the bloodstream, making fruit juice less filling than vegetable juice.

To make the best use of all the nutrition in your juice, consume it immediately after juicing, or freeze it. Fresh juice starts to lose its nutritional value quickly because of oxidation.
In conclusion, it is agreed that vegetable juices are healthier than fruit juices due to the differences in calories and carbs. However, whether you use fruits or vegetables, juicing should preferably be a supplement taken with a good diet plan, instead of making juicing your sole dieting program.

Use Papaya For Uric Acid Problem

You can try papaya if you got uric acid. You can try it even if you don’t have it. Effective result: mix green papaya cubes with regular green tea. Specialists say that after one week of drinking this “papaya-green-tea” you can see improvement and after two weeks of drinking this magic potion the toe joints heal. Papaya is good even for the people who have gout. The magic mixture is: one green papaya cut into small cubes. Place this cubes into water, boil and when it start’s to boil ad tea leaves. You can use the papaya as an natural tea pot: first of all cut the top of the papaya, take out the seeds and make a small hole in the upper side wall. Put in the tea leaves pour in boiling water. After that you have to place the top cover back on the papaya. A papaya is fully mature around 4 months. Green papaya is best when is approximately tree months old. You can also cook papaya: cute the papaya into small cubes and boil it together with the ribs or cook it with garlic.

How good are vitamin and mineral supplements?

Is the daily multivitamin popping habit truly healthy or is it just a fantasy of magic pills?
Let’s start with a simple RULE OF THUMB!

Vitamin and mineral supplementation is generally not required for individuals who are on a BALANCED EATING PLAN. Numerous studies show that a multivitamin cannot replace a healthy, varied diet high in fruits and vegetables.
Supplements are to be taken only with the advice of a medical doctor, registered dietician, or nutritionist.
Always check the expiration date as supplements lose potency over time.
Although supplements may not offer all the benefits that whole foods can provide, there are times when taking vitamins and minerals in pill form may be appropriate.

Who should take supplements?

  1. If you unable to eat the recommended servings of fruits, vegetables and healthy foods.
  2. If you are a strict vegetarian.
  3. If you eat a diet that’s inadequate because of food allergies or intolerances.
  4. Any disease or condition that doesn’t digest or absorb nutrients adequately.
  5. Older age and certain lifestyle habits (smoking and excessive alcohol consumption)
  6. For pregnant or lactating women — such as calcium, folic acid and iron — are needed to protect mother’s health and the health of the developing baby.
  7. Supplementing diet with additional calcium and vitamin D is often considered crucial following menopause to protect against osteoporosis.

Cons of Vitamin Supplementation:

1)    Whole foods Vs. Pills - Fruits, vegetables, grains and dairy products have benefits you can’t find in a pill, including a variety of nutrients, dietary fibre and phytochemicals.

2)    Pills do not really prevent disease - Multivitamins may slightly reduce the risk of cancer but don’t really prevent heart disease. Keep the focus on diet, not supplements. When these vitamins are obtained through foods, they can protect against damage caused by free radicals. In pill form, however, these vitamins don’t appear to have the same benefit.

3)    Avoid ‘megadoses’ - Getting too much of some nutrients, usually from high-dose supplements, can be dangerous. This is especially true with some fat-soluble vitamins, which are absorbed and then stored in your body’s fat for use as needed. Yet, it’s generally not recommended that you take megadoses of water-soluble vitamins either.

The key to healthy nutrition is choosing nutrient-dense foods, such as leafy greens, low-fat yogurt, dried beans, fruits, whole grains, eggs and salmon.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Flappy 2048

Get it on Google Play

Description : 

Flappy 2048... quite possibly the most "addicting" game in the world. (Seriously.. don't even bother downloading this game unless you are willing to spend hours trying to get further on the path than you did last round. Your task? Simple. Just move through the tiles and get as hight score as you can... The only challenge is to move over any tiles that might block your path. Don't be fooled, moving these tiles seems like a simple task... but it's actually really hard... Like really really annoying... Like the tile moving pretty quick but the tiles are SUPER fast and it's really hard to avoid at just the right time so you don't hit the tiles, and sometimes you miss and get frustrated and throw your Device out of your window but then it lands in a strangers lap and they start playing Flappy 2048 as well and then after they get bored (which will happen like never), but let's say they do get bored, they leave the Device on a near-by bench and you go find it and find out even they could move over more tiles than you could and get more score than you could and what the heck is wrong with your ability to moving little tile, but then you realize it's just a game and there are more important things in the world like pizza, and dating, and bones, and moving tile, and oh gosh, I'm thinking about Flappy 2048 again !!!! .. why is it so ADDICTING!? Must move tiny tile and get the highest score... Ahhhhhhh! (Long story short, the app is FREE and you might have nothing better to do with your time)

How to play :

Tap to Jump. Avoid the tiles. get the highest score and reach the highest number Game

Features : 

Social challenge mode.
Compete with your friends